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As I open my eyes, I feel someone breathing on my neck.
Who's hugging my waist?

I look over and see Jihyo on top of me.
I push her down to the floor as I look over.

Jihyo groans as she finally looks over.
Jihyo "Why'd you do that?"
Y/N "I don't know..Sorry."

I jump off of my bed as I slowly make my way to the fridge with my crutches.
Jihyo "Do you want me to help you?"
I close my eyes and give out a sigh.

Y/N "Ugh..Fine. Yes."
I take a seat as I stare at Jihyo rummaging through my fridge.
Jihyo "I'll make eggs for you."
Y/. "Uh..Okay."

[Time Skip]

I walk out as Jihyo follows me behind.

I remain silent

Y/N "Oh my god..What do you want?"
I turn around furrowing my eyebrows.

Jihyo "Can I..Hold onto you?"
Y/N "Huh?"

Jihyo "Can I hold onto you?"
I give out a loud sigh and reach out my pinky.
Jihyo smiles as she runs to your side and quickly wraps her hand onto your small finger.

I feel heat on my cheeks as I look straight

I thought I hated you..

 ☑️ My time Jihyo x Fem reader 🔞Where stories live. Discover now