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KD "Hey Baby~ Hey Y/N."

Daniel says as he enters the room.
KD "Are you okay, Y/N? S you look hurt.."

Daniel bends to my height level and pats my head.
I quickly take a hold of his wrist and aggressively puts his hand away from my head.

Y/N "Stop treating me like a child, Daniel.."
I pout a little hiding my face.

Yes..I still hate him but..Eh..
Jihyo "Are you guys bonding?"

KD "Yes, we're doing a collab."
Y/N "I never agreed to."

KD "Well, i'm here so.."
Daniel smirks as he looks at Jihyo.

Jihyo claps her hands.
Jihyo "I got some left over food! You want some, baby?"

Y/N, KD "Sure."
I freeze as we slowly look at each other.

I forgot..Me and Jihyo aren't dating anymore..
I stomp my foot getting everyone's attention.

Y/N "Tzuyu-ah come with me."
Tzuyu "Y-Yes.."

I lead her to Jihyo's room.
Tzuyu "Why are we in Jihyo-unnies room?"

I let go of my crutches making them crash to the floor.

I reach out my arm.
Y/N "Now hold me and walk with me to the park."
Tzuyu "All of a sudden?"

Y/N "Can we please go?"
Tzuyu lets out a sigh.

Tzuyu "Fine..We need to let a staff member know.."

[Time Skip]

After texting the staff members, Tzuyu takes a hold of my arm as we start to walk out.
I glare at Jihyo to see if she would look at you but she never did until you twist the door knob.

Tzuyu "Me and Y/N are going out! See you in a bit."
I ignore contact with the girls as I walk my way out with Tzuyu.


One staff member walked with us at the back
Many people quickly recognized us as they ran towards us with cameras.

Can we have some privacy or...
I look down covering my face still holding onto Tzuyu's arm.

[Time Skip]

Me and Tzuyu walk back inside we soon hear footsteps.

Sana "Y/N! You're back!"
Jeongyeon "Welcome back, Tzuyu."

You see a big hand grabbing Jeongyeons shoulder.
Nayeon "Y/N, you should check Jihyo's room."

Y/N "Why? What happened?"
Nayeon "Just check."

I nod as I hold onto Tzuyus arm slowly walking towards her room.

I take a hold of the door knob slowly twisting opening the door.
As we take a peak, me and Tzuyu see Jihyo and Daniel sitting down making out.

Y/N "W-What the fuck?"
I quickly close the door and I let go of Tzuyus arm walking away.

Tzuyu "Unnie!"
She speed walks to me and she grabs your shoulder.

I look over at her door slowly opening.
Jihyo walks out as she looks at me

Jihyo "Y/N! Are you okay?"
Y/N "I'm fine. Just fine."

I hold onto Tzuyus arms.
Y/N "Get my crutches."

Jihyo walks away.
As soon as she walks in, Daniel walks out of the room and leaves the dorm.
Jihyo walks in with your crutches.

She gives it to you.
Y/N "Thanks."
I walks into her room and sit down at the same place Daniel was.

Jihyo walks in.
I pat the bed giving it a sign for Jihyo to sit.

Y/N "Were you making out with Daniel."
Jihyo remains silent.

Jihyo "No.."
She slowly looks down.

Y/N "Don't lie to me."
I aggressively grab her shoulders making her look at me.

 ☑️ My time Jihyo x Fem reader 🔞Where stories live. Discover now