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[Before reading, I want to let you guys know..]
[Prepare your holy water because there's slight smut in this chapter.]

You stay inside your room for 5 minutes thinking about the store that you were going to. Somewhere far from the JYP building and near your apartment

Y/N "Got it! ######'s."
You tap on the info

Y/N "Only a 4 minute drive! Sounds good!"
You get up and leave your room
Since you don't have a car anymore, you take the bus.

[What you're wearing]

[6 minutes later]You get out of the bus and walk inside

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[6 minutes later]
You get out of the bus and walk inside


I look for cereal the good kind Aki wanted to get

Y/N [Finally! I found it.]
I look at the box

Y/N [What kind of..Crackhead nuts? What kind of cereal- Whatever just take it and leave.]
I reach out for the box but I feel a hand

[??? POV]

I look down as I walk to the Cereal
Crackhead nuts I think it's called? Whatever.

I'm not even thinking about her anymore but why does that girl in the purple look so familiar? She looks really pretty.

I reach out for the cereal but I feel a hand on top of mine

??? "U-Uh...Excuse me? M-Ma'am..?"
??? "I'm so sor-"
I hear a soft voice.

I look up and I see the girl. Not fully though..She's wearing a black hat.

??? "Ma'am?"
I see her reaching for her hat to lift it up

??? "I'm s-sorry..I didn't m-mea-"

??? "Y/N?"

Y/N "Oh..It's you."
Jihyo "Why are you here? Of all the places?"

I look at Y/N for an answer but all she's doing is trying not to cry by giving an emotionless face.

Jihyo "Bye."
Y/N "Wait."

Jihyo "What."
Y/N "Look..I'm off by 25 cents..And I don't have enough money to take the bus.."

Jihyo "Ask someone else..I'm in a hurry."
Y/N "Please.."

Jihyo "Ask someone else, Y/N."
Y/N "You know who I am..I'm nervous all the time."
I sigh

Jihyo "Fine..Just this once.."
Y/N "Thanks."

[End of Jihyo POV]


I enter Jihyo's car.
That familiar scent and color and style.
Makes me miss Jihyo even more.

I sit behind her..Not next to her anymore and I miss that too.

[7 minutes]

You and Jihyo arrive at your apartment

Jihyo "Okay..Bye, Y/N."
Y/N "Wait..Come."

Jihyo "Why?"
Y/N "Just come."
A/N [AND FUCK MY LIFE UP BABY ok srry bye]

Jihyo follows me to my room and I tell her to sit on my bed

Y/N "Look.."
I sigh

Jihyo "5 minutes, Y/N i'll give you 5 minutes to talk."

I sigh again
Y/N "Look, Jihyo..I-I was wrong..When you left I-I..Just couldn't stop th-thinking about you...I-I..I miss your smile..Your voice..And you hugging me.."

Jihyo "Y/N..You stutter too much.."
Y/N "I'm so sorry..J-Jihyo.."

Jihyo sighs

You start to cry a little because of how much you missed her
Jihyo tries to make you feel better by hugging you

Jihyo "I'm sorry too, Y/N for leaving yo-"
Y/N "Shut up and come here."

You force her to look at you by using your hand and smash your lips with hers

Jihyo kisses back making it a passionate and soft-ish kiss.

You bite her lower lip opening her mouth giving you the chance to insert your tongue

You and Jihyo let go after 2 minutes filling the room with pants

Jihyo "I told you..5 minutes, Y/N.."
Y/N "I want more than 5 minutes.."

Jihyo "W-what do you mean.."
Y/N "You know what I mean."

Jihyo "What? B-but..Y/N.."
Y/N "I don't care anymore, Jihyo..I just want to be with you."

Jihyo chuckles

Jihyo "Sorry, Y/N..But this isn't the perfect time..Plus..We're not even dat-"
Y/N "Then date me. Meet me tomorrow at the Cafe."

Jihyo "Y/N..Are you sure about this?"
Y/N "Yes..Yes I am."

Jihyo "O-okay..Well bye, Y/N.."
Y/N "Before you go, I want to taste you one last time."

Jihyo "Rude."

I push Jihyo in and start kissing her passionately again.

Jihyo kisses back which makes it even better
Me and Jihyo fight for the top but Jihyo wins.

Jihyo "I win."
Jihyo smirks

Wow..I've never seen a side of this before.

Jihyo goes back to kissing you down to your neck

You let out a soft and quiet moan making it clear for Jihyo to hear.

But before you could get louder, Jihyo let's go revealing a soft mark on your neck.

Jihyo "See you tomorrow, Y/N."


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