chapter three

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Dinner was terrible.

Can you believe Jared had dinner at our table, with us?

He'd gotten really close with Joshua who attached himself to him quickly and at such introduced Quadri to him, they clicked quickly and moved around together.

After collecting our dinner, my girlfriends and I went to our usual spot and Joshua sighted us, after greeting us, he decided to come to our table with his 'goons' and that was how it started.

I glared at Jared throughout the dinner while he only smirked at me. News had travelled around the school that Jared was my competitor and that I now had my 'oga'.

Can you imagine? All those idiots started spluttering rubbish saying I was arrogant and that someone who will cut my wings was around, they went on with their balderdash till I couldn't take it any more and flared up.

This led to the challenge. We were both challenged to study together throughout this academic session and at the end when the result comes out, the real genius will be known.

I had no other choice but to accept it so far I couldn't allow that dimwit to ruin the reputation I'd been protecting right from JSS1.

"Are you okay?" Kiiti's voice brought me out of my train of thoughts.

I turned to her and formed a small smile.

"Yes, you're the one who needs to be asked that."

Her colour drained by this and she looked away.

"Is there something bothering you? I noticed you weren't really comfortable with Jared, did you guys date before?"I asked curiously.

" Don't tell me you dated that hottie?" Kiishi questioned ecstatically as she dropped the novel she was reading and turned to us.

Kiiti shook her head and smiled faintly.

"No, seeing him just brought back a painful memory."

Kiishi and I glanced at each other before Kiishi snapped, "Don't tell me he's a bad guy, by chance, did he rape you?"

Kiiti grinned without any humour before shaking her head to convey her negative response.

"Do you mind sharing it?" I asked in a jittery manner, I couldn't fathom why I was curious about the matter.

Colour drained out of her face as sadness clouded her features.

"You don't have to say it if it'll reopen the wound," Kiishi conceded but I inwardly hoped she'll elaborate more on the matter.

A smile crept up her face as she sighed before clearing her throat.

"I'll tell you."

Kiishi and I adjusted our sitting position and fixed our gaze on her.

"I started dating this guy called Sam in SSS1, we were wonderful until the summer break when he stopped calling or texting me, he didn't visit too but after we resumed SS2, I decided to call it quits as I found out he cheated and was still cheating on me with five other girls, he was shameless and did it to my face." She stopped briefly and scanned our looks and waited for us to talk.

After understanding that we didn't have anything to say, she continued, "After telling him I wasn't interested again during lunch, he only looked up at me without uttering a word, later that day, he came to my class and told me to meet him at our basketball court."

" And did you go?" Kiishi interrupted.

She looked from me to Kiishi before replying, "Yeah, his friends and even girlfriends were all there, he slapped me and told me not to ever think of breaking up with him and that was how I got into an abusive relationship for a whole week."

" Hope it didn't escalate to the extent of taking advantage of you?" I questioned with a sympathetic tone.

" No, I didn't allow it, it was after he tried doing it that it got worse, the following day, he pinned a filthy pant on our school's notice board and inscribed, 'I slept with Kiiti yesterday, and she forgot her pants at my place, she was actually the one that talked me into it, such a cheap slut!"

" That's really mean," Kiishi blurted, it was evident she was furious.

" After that day, everyone left me, my friends departed me and I became an outcast, it went all over the school's blog and  I couldn't bear it any more and at such decided to take my life after the school management suspended the both of us"

" What!" Kiishi and I shouted in unison.

" Didn't they investigate the matter? ",  Kiishi queried with fury written all over her face.

" I don't know but after my mom stopped me from committing suicide, I had to go through therapy for weeks." She sighed, it was obvious she was still affected by the happening.

"And what did your dad do about it?" I inquired.

She looked at me and gave a mirthless smile.

" He got outraged and locked the school for days till Sam was taken to a remand home, after the therapist apprised my parents I was fine, they decided to bring me here," she concluded as she heaved a sigh of relief, apparently the weight had been lifted off her shoulder.

"It was a terrible experience, sorry about that," Kiishi apologized pitifully.

" That snake should have received more punishment," I shrieked and Kiiti laughed heartily.

" It's okay, I've forgotten about it, it's been more than a month now, seeing Jared just brought back the memory, I thought he would judge me."

" Is that the reason he transferred here?" I inquired.

" Probably, so far the school had been closed down and whereas many parents would have heard what happened."

I nodded before mumbling, " Oh, I see."

Silence descended as a few uncomfortable seconds passed in awkwardness before Kiishi broke the ice.

"Are you really up for that challenge?", I looked up at her, understanding what she was driving at but I decided to feign ignorance.



"Why not?"

"You know Jared is a genius, he has been our best student right from JSS1 and has won a lot of awards, nobody has ever won against him," Kiiti explained and I tried not to glare at her.

" I don't accept defeat and I never lose, so I'm winning against him."

Kiiti nodded as if she believed it can never happen and that made me determined, it made my will stronger.

"Come to think of it, this is the first time you're challenged", Kiishi mentioned with a stupid smile.

" And I'll make sure I win, no one dares challenge me," I bragged.

Double updates in a day.
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Will they get along?
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