chapter forty nine

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"Why did you grab me like that?" I shouted at Jared, who was yet to release the grabbed my hand.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he said with a lingering smile and I hit his chest with my books.

"Why were you afraid?" he chuckled and I eyed him before walking away.

"Are you angry?" he asked behind me and I quickened my pace, he followed suit while laughing foolishly.

"I was just playing nau," he whined and I turned to him.

"What kind of foolish play was that?"

"Okay, I'm sorry," he apologized and I rolled my eyes before walking away.

"Reina," he called before poking my side and I smiled. We both walked to the library with his hand around my shoulder.

After opening the door, we got in and sat at a corner.

"I got a call from Jacinth," he started and I looked up from my books.

"What did she say?"

"She said Memunat has agreed to do the catering and for free of all charges"

"Wow," I said in excitement before Yimika and Idiat walked in.

"Hi, guys," they both greeted in unison before laughing.

"Why are you guys always walking together?" Jared questioned when they both sat in front of us.

"So, you and Kiisha don't walk together abi?" Yimika challenged and I chortled.

"Our own is different oo," Jared replied.

"It's not different," Idiat said before we heard the voice of Joshua and Demolu.

After swapping greetings, we commenced our study, an hour and half later we went back to the hostel so far it was almost time for dinner. After dinner, we went back to our hostel before the bell was rung for night prep.

The hall was crowded as many news stations bustled around while carrying an interview on everyone of us, it was a live feed that would be transmitted in all new stations across the country.

"Hello Supersparks," our instructor greeted with a smile. He was behind the projector opposite us.

"Hello young," we all greeted in unison. Every one of us were on a large stage with nine electronic stands that had our first name written boldly on it, Cherish and I were the only girl in our team so she was at the back while I was at the front, the front row contained four stands while the back contained five, Jared and Felix were at the back.

"In the foundation round, our nine Supersparks have equal chances to attempt six general questions in fifteen seconds, marks will be awarded according to accuracy and speed," he started and we all nodded in accordance.

For the TV show, there are two levels; foundation round and advanced level which would done according to the teams and it would be concluded in the sixteenth episode.

He continued, "Supersparks, for questions in this round, the first five students who get the correct answers will earn a maximum of ten points while others with the correct answers will earn five points, at the end of the foundation round, only five of you with the highest cummulative score will proceed to the advanced level, Supersparks are you ready to spark?"

"Yes," we all chorused in unison before fixing our gaze on the large screen, though he would read out the questions which would be displayed on the screen at the same time but we only had fifteen seconds to pick our answers so we had to be smart with it.

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