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Thunder boomed as lightning struck the forest floor, crackling with electricity as it met the wet earth. Wandering the damp forest was a man dressed in a grey robe, a grey pointy hat, and carrying around a staff that looked similar to a large stick. The man didn't seem phased by the chaos going on around him and instead fought against the strong winds that threatened to pick him off the ground. His blue eyes struggled to stay open as the cold wind whipped past his face. Rain pelted down, feeling like bullets to the old man, as they beat against his skin.

But he has to keep pushing forward, the being ahead could help him and his party on their quest. After it seemed like a long battle against the chaos of nature, he reached a large cave along a cliff face, seeming to have been dug out by something massive, as the entrance towered hundreds of feet above him.

The man stumbled inside, escaping the rough winds and cold rain. Lightning struck down somewhere behind him, lighting up the seemingly empty cave for a few moments, before the darkness swallowed the light. The old man brought his staff close to him, whispering a few words before the end of his staff lit up a light blue color.

He walked deeper into the cave, diamonds, jewels, and gems were scattered among the walls. Some skeletons of animals like deer, boar, and even a skeleton of a whale was laid up against the far corner of the cave. The old man kept walking on, ignoring the horde of bones that rested a few feet away from him as he passed. He then came to part of the cave where the roof seemed to disappear in the darkness.

He then took a deep breath in and out. He looked up towards the abyss, raising his staff and hand, "Great Guardian of Life, protector of those with good hearts, judge of those who commit sin, and executioner of evil! Hear my call and listen to my plea!" A light shot up towards the abyss, continuing on what seemed like forever.

"Old friend. You didn't have to do the chant to call me. You just had to call me by my name. We have known each other for so long after all." A woman's voice spoke, amusement lining her tone, inside the man's head. The cavern before him stepped out a gigantic white furred creature which towered above the old man, seemingly taller than the trees, it had white feathered wings, the feathers tipped with what looked like gold, a long slender body however it had a head similar to a canine or a wolf, long pointy ears which seemed almost invisible among the white fur as it rested against the creatures head and neck, sticking out of its head was golden horns looking similar to antlers, it also has a long tail which widens as it got close to the end, showing feathers that were also tipped with gold before the tail goes back into a tip.

"I still want to show respect, after all you are a rare and beautiful creature." The old man said with a smile.

The creature seemed to mimic his smile as it took a step forward with its giant paw-like talons covered in the same white fur. It bent its head down, letting out a low rumble of amusement, its cobalt blue eyes staring into the man's blue ones. "You flatter me Gandalf." The woman's voice spoke inside his head, the creature not opening its mouth to speak a word.

"I have come to ask something of you." The old man spoke, his tone becoming serious.

The creature gave a nod, ruffling the tuff along the back of her neck, gold shining on the tips of her fur, "Talk away."

"Me and a party are journeying to the lonely mountain to regain their land and their secret jewel, the arkenstone. I was wondering if you would like to tag along?" Gandalf asked, leaning slightly on his staff.

The creature cocked her head to the side, seeming to raise a brow, "Isn't there a dragon currently living in the mountain? Smaug I believe that creature is named." Gandalf could hear a slight growl in her voice at the mention of the dragon.

"There is, I believe you can prove useful in that category. But what I really came to ask you is if you wanted to have an adventure?" Gandalf stated with a broad smile, taking notice of the creature's excited gaze as her tale began to move back and forth.

"Will there be dangers?" She questioned, her eyes narrowing.

"Possibly, won't know for sure if you don't go." Gandalf answered.

"Hmmm." She hummed, a low rumble escaping her throat. The creature then closed her eyes, a bright light covering her body and growing smaller. When the light disappeared all that was left was a young woman looking around her early twenties with white hair tipped with gold, lightly tanned skin, cobalt blue eyes, and was wearing silver elven armor chestplate, leg guards, and arm guards while she wore light brown pants and a black shirt underneath her armor.

"Here." Gandalf tossed her a sword and black cloak.

She looked at them with confusion, "What are these for?" She spoke, sounding like the same woman he heard in his head.

"One is for you to defend yourself while the other is to cover you up, the company might not be too happy with the armor you wear." Gandalf explained.

"I know their purpose Gandalf however, can't I just turn back to my original form or use my magic?" She asks, strapping the sword to her side and slipping the cloak around her shoulders.

"It would be preferable if you didn't turn into that form unless absolutely necessary. Same with your magic." Gandalf said while the woman nodded. "And I mean it."

"Yea yea I get it." She responded, adjusting the cloak before pulling up her hood. "Where are we off to?"

"The shire, we have another part of our party to gather." Gandalf spoke as he began walking towards the exit of the cave. Once he came to the exit, the same place he entered, he looked back over at the woman who was adjusting her cloak as she walked, so it was perfectly covering her body underneath or at least her armor.

Once they came to the edge of the cave, Gandalf looked over at the pouring rain and shivered. The girl took her place by his side, looking at Gandalf with a confused look, "Something wrong?"

"Would you mind stopping this rain?" He asked, gesturing to the poor weather outside.

The girl shrugged, "Sure." She held out her hand, then moved her hand in a wave like motion, the rains disappearing, the clouds moving apart revealing the night sky. The stars twinkling above, showing off their brilliance.

"Better?" She asks, looking up at the old wizard.

"Yes, I prefer to walk in the dark than in the rain, any day."

The woman laughed lightly, following Gandalf back onto the road where a horse awaited. Gandalf jumped onto the back of the horse, holding out his hand towards her. She took his hand, allowing him to help her up, "Is the shire far?"

"Just a day or two from here my friend. We will be there in no time." Gandalf said, before sending the horse off in a sprint.  

Hello readers! I'm just going to give this small little notice here, the character I am portraying is an OC I am testing out before I write her story. You know kind of like a test run, so that's why she is in here. However, feel free to change her eye color, name, and skin color. Anyway, till next time readers!

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