Of Caverns and Casters

35 7 2

by avadel

This story is amazing. AMaeeeeeezing.

The world is completely immersive and complex. I feel like we don't get to see a lot of it in the story, but it's there lurking. We see the beauty of the details, and the monstrosity of the grand-scale countries. It's hard to explain, and complex worlds in amateur writing are hard to come by.

The writing is professional and well done. Kudos for the editing and research.

The characters are fantastic and unique. Like really unique and complex. I love them all. They can each be so annoying or stubborn in moments. It makes them human.

Since this is a grand fantasy, the plot is slow while the setup is detailed. I haven't finished the story yet, but I have a feeling the pay-off will be wonderful.

If I have any things:

>>>The disease, Blistering Death???, is extremely fuzzy. As well as the place that Leavi and Sean escape in the beginning, though that does clear an itty bit as the story goes on. Maybe there was a spot where the plague was explained and why/how people are living underground (pretty sure that's what was going on), and I simply missed it. Or maybe the explanation comes later.

But as of fifty-ish chapters where I last read, I still don't know what it is and it doesn't feel like it's going to be explained. Like a chapter I missed.

I usually don't like reading fantasy on-screen. I want a book. I want to hug it and smell it and do insane-people stuff. Like.... hugging my computer is awkward. Hugging a phone, I can do, but then I look like a crazy person which would blow my cover.

I can't get into the atmosphere of a fantasy when I'm on a device. I have trouble remembering world building, no idea why lol (hence the plague-of-death thing). Call me weird, but is true.

HOWEVER, I am thoroughly enjoying this story. I definitely recommend it to any fantasy readers. If you like grand worlds and great characters, here you go. You'll love this.

Time Stamp: 11-8-20

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