The Land of Mir

14 3 3

by The_Story_Nerds

When you find out you have magical powers and that magical powers aren't allowed in the same day. It's gotta be listed in one of those "20 people who are having a worse day than you" things.

the guards. That's all you need to know, let's move on.......

XD no really. They're wonderful. Made me laugh several times, poor guys. They need a better job than getting yelled at by the king.

The characters in general are well done. The main two seem young, but I'm sure they will mature as the story goes on.

The world is very clear. I love the details included to give it shape, the way the magic is revealed and treated as bad before we are told it's bad explicitly.

My only note:

The opening chapter starts slow. If there's a way to add tension from the first line, that would keep more people reading when they pop in just to see if they like it. Otherwise, it was very well done. The world was established well, and we got a good sense of our main character from even just that scene.

I absolutely love Octavia and Lance, though <3 They're adorable, and I look forward to seeing their characters develop as the story does.

Time Stamp: 10-27-20

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