
18 4 1

by PauletteOdongo

I absolutely completely fantastically adore this story <3 ugh it's so wonderful.

Christian Romance!!!!! My favorite. And thank goodness: everything isn't mushy and the romance isn't BOOM you're in love like most Christian romances turn out to be. THANK THE LORD.

I am in love.


The characters are amazing. I know I say that too often, but these are the unique. I love the perspective of Taji's bipolar. I seriously haven't read a story that includes this in a main character, and I can't say if it's completely accurate because I don't know many bipolar rl people. BUT IT FEELS SO REAL. And his struggles and humor are just so well done. I love him. Definitely a character I will forever remember.

What even with the internal monologues???? It's wonderful! Every thought is fresh and entertaining. They don't drag the story down at all with boring comments. Probably my favorite lines are all from the internal thoughts. Spectacular <3

I really enjoyed the quotes beginning the chapters. Getting to see them in the language, and the translation was wonderful. And thank you for including the translation because I would have been clueless otherwise heh heh.

The way the romance is developed is so good. I'm way tired of the Christian thing with an overly handsome man and a beautiful girl meet and bam they're in love. So overdone. People put little twists on it that help some, but usually it still feels like the same story I've heard a thousand times.

This story is so refreshing.

Thank you. I love it to death.

to the death.

if my opinion means anything to you: you musssssssst read this story. It's an absolute gem. The crème de la crème. 


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Time Stamp: 11-25-20

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