Love Lies

12 2 0

by BOOK-LOVER-2000

This story made me cry. In the first few chapters. My brain wants to say I was moody, but XD seriously, even though I'm so sensitive to emotions, I don't actually shed tears over books easily.

And the idea for this story is so good? I mean, I like to think I'm a ruthless author, but good grief. This poor character.

She needs a hug and pancakes forever until everything is okay.

I love the supporting cast! Aunt May is to die for, she's so sweet and wonderful. Aurora's friends are so gentle while not being limp and empty.

The development out of the tragic beginning is really good! The emotions are developed quite well, and though I was dubious about the entire backstory being revealed from the beginning, I think it was the right choice.

My thingssssss are these:

Distancing the reader from extreme emotions is good! However, once the slap-in-the-face backstory is over, I never felt like we got to get close the Aurora. It's not like she isn't feeling emotions, but rather as she's crying I don't feel it. Like everything is filtered or coming at me through a protective gauze.

Perhaps it is just me having a weird experience with the story.

Also, several of the paragraphs are extremely bulky, which can be fixed easily with a little editing. A new paragraph should technically start every time a new character speaks, does something, a new object or topic is introduced, or for dramatic affect if you like.

All in all, it's a wonderful story! There's definitely a lot of darkness, but that just means the light will be brighter.

Time Stamp: 12-7-20

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