Stripe of Crescent Hill

64 11 10

by @Dragonheart1255

Where to begin. If this was a physical book, I would hug it <3

This story is extremely satisfying, and finishing a story in a way that is this satisfying is really rare and beautiful.

I absolutely adore books that take us through the entire life of a character, from childhood or.... badgerhood(?).......... from striplings to aged and wise badger. Absolute favorite books do this in some way or form. There's little more satisfying than it. I loved this story from beginning to end, and here's why:

♡ The characters. Each character was so unique and very memorable. We saw them at their best and at their worst, loving but willing to die for those they love. Really, the author didn't shy away from this aspect of the story.

The main character is exquisite. As I said, we get his life story, and the development of his character is magnificent in every way. By the end of the story I felt like a truly know him deeply. And AGAIN, we see him mature and grow stronger and wiser and.... sigh... it's just so wonderful I don't even know how to put it.

♡ The foooooood. Ah, yes the food. The descriptions of the food made my mouth water. Salmon pie??? yes, please. Whoa, I just smelled it for a second. That was weird. Anyway. Everything sounded delicious, and I wanted to dive into the story for a second so I could try some.

♡ The plot. Okay, so it slowed down at several spots but in others it was really fast, the battles for instance. However, when it was slow the descriptions of the scenery or a character or the culture were fascinating.

♡ I can tell a lot of thought and time went into this world. It shows with the political siding of the animals and the wars, the way they treated each other, what they ate, how they spoke. I loved it. The world was completely immersing and beautiful.

♡ The writing was very well edited and easy to read. I didn't have trouble understanding what was going on or who was saying what or what in the world. I really appreciate that.

If you are a fan or Redwall or any other animal adventures, you will love this. I really believe it.

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