Maiden of Lies

47 7 14

by @VanessaChase02

XD sorry... I just...

This is a fantastic story! Not only have the characters been each one absolutely pristine and fun, but the world and the way the story is built makes every scene a blast.

The main character's drive is revenge on her parents for betraying her, but the story isn't dark at all... as of yet. It might get dark but. Not every minute of the story is spent banging the reader over the head with the fact that she's been betrayed, but we can feel it in the undercurrents, and it pulls the story along, even when it might seem on the surface that nothing is happening other than kids being rascals together.

The CHARACTERS are fantastic. Like, you can't hear me trying not to giggle, but I can hear it and it's weird XD I looooooove these characters. Like really. They're each so special and defined and and wiggled into my heart. I am seriously going to get separation anxiety when this story finishes, and I'm pretty sure Imma cry when they grow up.

and btw, the KalexSandy ship needs a name, if it doesn't yet

.................................. just saying ......................

Their shenanigans are just <3 so perfect. I love every one of them.

If I have any constructive criticism, it would be perhaps more clarity when we skip over time during the story

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If I have any constructive criticism, it would be perhaps more clarity when we skip over time during the story. The writing is wonderful, the characters are wonderful, the cover is gorgeous.

I believe you have an idea of how you (dear author) want to develop the story, and it is going brilliantly.

Time Stamp: 5-12-2020 (note: review will be updated once the story is finished)

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