Bandaids & Punches

36 7 3

by lurkinshadow

This is an annoying-guy-tries-to-be-tough-guy's-friend story which I STINKING LOVE. I really like the setting and the characters make me laugh like every chapter. It's wonderful.

I really like how the setting was presented. Enough for me to be able to picture it, but not so much it distracts from the characters and their relationships, which was the main focus.

I love the characters, and I think they are very well done. Not perfect ;) but not beginner either.

However, I think more could have been done to smooth dialogue. I understand this is a Korean story, so there's likely some discrepancies between what an American expects from dialogue and what a Korean would expect. I don't know if the author is Korean, just that the tags for the story include "Korean" and the characters are set in Korea.

So, take what I say with a handful of salt. The dialogue seemed rocky to me, forced at spots and unrealistic at others. However, there are definitely gems in several exchanges between characters that I loved.

Wonderful story <3

Time Stamp: 6-13-2020

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