The Summer We Turned Thirteen

182 17 137

By xbeautifulphrasesx

This is all amazingness.

First off the story is fantastic. Like, it could have been cliche and boring, but it wasn't. The characters really made it fresh, and the story drama (because there was drama XD) really pulled the story in a direction I wasn't expecting.

Usually books about twelve-year-olds don't mesh with me well unless we're talking about Percy Jackson, but this story wasn't flippant or shallow just because of the age group of the characters. The story is very meaningful, and several scenes had me choked up. On the outside, it might look like a bunch of tween drama, but really, this story is wonderfully deep.

And let's just be honest

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And let's just be honest. The drama was the best. It was fantastic, and this is coming from someone who usually hates love triangles and all that stuff. But I LOVED THIS AND DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE I USUALLY DON'T LIKE THIS TYPE OF THING. I loved every minute of it.

Like, seriously.

Read it. Go. Goooooooooooooooooo XD

it's a wonderful read, not super fast but not sluggish. Easy to read. Wonderful <3

As for technical stuff, the story structure is good, grammar and spelling are as well.

The first chapter was spectacular. Thank you very much. Establishing the main conflict and drawing the reader in. When I was reading them, I think the first couple chapters felt like they were a before-the-story-starts sort of thing, but afterwards I was glad they were included because they gave us background.

The story is long XD and it took me a while to read, but it was very much worth it

Time Stamp: 6-29-2020

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