The Last Philosopher

15 4 4

by NickfEast

Pretty sure this is fantasy, but might be Sci-Fi?

The world is very thoroughly build and detailed, which is wonderful. I love worlds that are intricate because so much can be done with them.

I find both Herchel and Lyeasrakardsul fascinating characters. Their names I have no idea how to pronounce, but I think they would either get along very well or be mortal enemies. Either way XD

The title is completely appropriate.

There are so many different things going on in the world that it feels like a build up to an epic story, so definitely check it out if you love epics. Several things feel woven together that we might get to see in detail later.

Watching all these details come together at the end is one of my favorite things, and this definitely has the potential for great detailed story telling.

My thing is hard to define for this story:

on the one hand, I was several chapters in and felt like nothing was happening

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on the one hand, I was several chapters in and felt like nothing was happening. We listened to Lyeasrakardsul think for many chapters, and it felt like his entire purpose in the story was to maybe feel like he needed to figure something out but was really only there for the purpose of dumping all the worldbuilding on the reader as possible.

Then Herchel's first chapter came along and the first lines finally sounded like something was going to happen. And it did, kind of. But it happened in the background while Herchel continued to world build and philosophize at us.

Hence, I believe, the title.

Now, this is where it gets complicated. Yes, the title is The Last Philosopher, and yes, world building needs to happen, and yes, the world is obviously very very vast and there's a lot of ground to cover.

BUT it's hard for the reader to absorb that amount of information chapter after chapter and listen to a character do almost nothing but think about things. So, if there was a way to make their thinking feel less like an info dump and more like absolutely essential information, I would feel more engaged with the story. If there were things happening that seem incredibly important in between world building, my brain could absorb the information better.

when Lyeasrakardsul is trying to figure out his dreams, it doesn't feel like it's important because he wanders so completely from the point. If there was another character trying to get him back to the point when he starts talking about politics or other things, it would feel more urgent because we see a character stressed about it. The reader would feel more like Lyeasrakardsul's tangents might be connected to his dreams in some way, that the other character is dismissing important information as tangents, and would feel less like they're getting an info dump that isn't relevant to the dreams.

however, I think this story and world is fascinating. Good luck to the author bringing everything together. I definitely would not be able to pull of a story so vast and complex XD

Time Stamp: 12-22-20

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