Chapter One: Getting to know me

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My name is Sarah Van Dan,I'm 19 years old,My dad is a Salesman in Coastal town,he has a small Vendor outside the two bedroom flat i shared with him,my mom and my sister Judith.

My mom is a retailer,she sells petty provisions in the market,she's also a determined housewife.

Judith,is 12years old.

Coastal town is a small town located at the west hemisphere of New York City,it has limited governing authorities with a Mayor,and five other nobilities. There's a police station at the entrance of the Town,but that didn't stop the unspeakable things happening in Coastal town from taking place.

At 19,I'd seen more than some people see,their entire lives.

My name is Sarah Van Dan,yes,making sure you got that right,and here is my story;


I lived in Nelson Drive avenue,in Coastal Town,a small area from eastward hemisphere of New York.

The houses in the area were identical,two bedroom flats painted all in white,with a small lawn outside of the flats.

The residents of Nelson Drive avenue were mostly young couples,but I lived with my 35 year old mother,42 year old father ,& 12 year old sister.

You wouldn't need to take off ur slippers to get food in Nelson drive Avenue. There was also a cash machine close,well,that was for those who had the cash to get off it,and supermarket on the high street.

Most of life could be accomplished without venturing too far beyond your domain.

          It was a beautiful evening in a cold December,and walking back home from school had never been easy in winter,taking my steps hastily and glancing up at people once in a while,I took out a flier I got from my teacher in school earlier that day,looking through it with a big smile on my face.

I'd just won the annual primary debate in Coastal High,a public high school I attended with my little sister,I was an 11th grader, & winning the debate gave me a pass to compete with 26 other 11th graders from all the other high schools in the local hemisphere of New York. I was going to represent Coastal High.

The winner Overall will get a scholarship into KRINSOM COLLEGE,Coastal town's most elegant private college. I had practiced thoroughly to get in,my mother thought I was wasting my energy studying for it,she had discouraged me on so many occasions,it put her off too because I had limited time helping with domestic chores after school,when she's gone to the market to run her petty shop.

But I never sat back and became complacent.

My father never had a say on it,he never had a say on anything except it was money-related.

          Approaching the street that led to Nelson Drive Avenue,I was in high spirits and so I walked ecstatically,Ignoring the cold that was drilling down my bones.
I slowed down my pace when I caught a glance of a bench laying beside the wall of Coastal city recreational park,everyday after school,I sat there to have some alone time,ponder on my future and how desperately I needed to be successful. I was ambitious,I had always been.

  Seeing as it was getting late,I had fought the temptation to go sit on the ever so comforting bench,but my legs couldn't go on after a long walk,well... they could,It was something I had gotten used to,but having my alone time was also something that had become fondly habitual.

      Walking towards the bench,I adjusted my head warmer,my other hand holding the flier,I tucked it in the pockets of my brown knee length jacket,I'd had the jacket since I was 14,it had a smooth surface outside,but it was not a fur. I couldn't afford a fur,my parents couldn't.

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