A blast from the past

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3rd person

(Y/n) a young trainer, with no pokemon yet, who lives in Postwick and is best friends with the brother of the Galar region Hop. You've known Hop for 5 years moving to Postwick then you were 5.

Today is an exiting day, today is the day Hop's brother pays a visit to you two, but your mind is somewhere else, far from today. It's looking back years ago back when you were still in Wyndon.

"Why are you here if you don't care for our child!?" (Y/n) could here their parents yell scream and fight behind their bedroom door. Holding a old and worn eevee doll given by your aunt from Kanto. "Fine then I'll leave keep the darn kid, I don't want them" more arguing could be heard but it was all foggy to your ears, you knew you were a good child but why, why do they fight.

Your door slammed open, the door knob hitting the wall leaving a mark, " pack your stuff we're moving" your moms voice storm but sweet, tiers we're going down your face. (Y/n) didn't know where dad was going to go but you packed regardless and didn't sleep at all that night.

(Y/n) sat next to their mom looking out the window seeing town after town go by till they started to land. "Mom?" You ask your mom, "where are we?" The question lingered with you, in your mind, as your mom didn't answer the question asked all she said was our new home.

You and your mom met up with a woman and her son, or so presumed. He had purple hair, tan skin like the dragon type gym leaders but lighter, and gold eyes that shined in the light, seemingly shining brighter than a lighting bolt that came from every electric type their was.

"(Y/n)." You heard your mom call. You look up at her with a questioning look. "Go play with Hop in the garden, or we can have you both unpack." (Y/n) dashed to the garden to see the boy waving at you, he's a bit taller than you but granite you two are both 5 at the time.

"Hey mate what's your name, mines Hop and when I get a pokemon it'll be champion Hop!"

"Um I'm (y/n), nice to meet you too mate."

You hear muffled sounds of your name being called bringing your mind back to the present time. You walk outside to see your childhood friend yelling your name. "Bloody hell Hop it's not even 6 in the mornin'," your tired as ever but still manage to make him calm down. "Sorry mate, didn't realize the time, I'm just so excited to see Lee," Hop says while walking into your house you share with your mom, you walk into your room and change into a black shirt with Piers' band logo on it and white pants, grabbing your moms old bag you head out to meet up with hop.

Hop as excited as he is, was waiting patently for (y/n) hoping they would be out soon. Hop could hear the sound of a door being shut lightly, "Ready to go mate?" Hop turned to see (y/n) holding their bag ready to leave. "Oi lets get a move on then! Race ya mate!" Hop starts dashing to route 1 with (y/n) close behind yelling about an unfair race.

Hey guys
I hope you enjoyed

Snowy out :p

Word count: 587

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