Chapter 3 - The Father's Outburst

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"Shannen, you have your Mother on line 2." Bianca called from the intercom.

She is Zac's secretary and I decided to keep her since she's efficient with her job. I also don't have time to find new one because of my workload.

"Thanks Bianca!" I punched the line.


Me:         Hi mom! How are you and Dad? (I greeted her)

Mom:     Hi sweetie! I'm okay and your Dad is... well you know him. (She gave a sighed pause)

Me:         Yeah tell me about it. Is there a problem Mom? (I stopped typing on my laptop)

Mom:     Can't I just call my daughter? (Mom gives her alibi)

Me:         It's just that you don't usually call me in my office unless it's    important. (I rationalized)

Mom:     Actually I wanna know if you already have plans for the twins birthday. (Mom made me checked the calendar)

Me:         Mom its still seven months before their birthday! It's  too early                to plan for that besides thy still need to be baptized. (I reasoned out)

Suddenly I remember Zac's death anniversary is the same time the twins were born.  I couldn't help but miss him so much.

Mom:     Shannen, are you still there? (Mom voice startled me)

Me:         Oh... uhmm... what were you saying again? (I tried to be attentive this time)

Mom:     I was asking when are you planning to have the Christening.  The twins are now growing and the preparation for the birthday takes time. (Mom got me thinking)

Me:         I was actually planning to do it same time as their birthday Mom. It will save time and more reason to celebrate. (I brought the idea) 

Mom:     That would be lovely! Now I have a lot of things to prepare for the party from the invitations, theme ideas and guests to invite. It has to be the grandest and biggest celebration ever for my   grandchildren!! (Mom having her daydreaming moment)

Me:         Mom I can't handle too many guests besides I prefer a small party it's more homey feeling. (I felt bad for cutting her)

Mom:     Don't worry I'm here to help you in planning. I knew Sherry and Marie will do too. (Mom insisted her idea)

Me:         I will think about it but thanks anyways I really do appreciate                it. (I honestly will)

Mom:     No need for that they are my grandchildren. So how is the investigation going it's been two months right? (Her tone became serious)

After I was released from the hospital I decided to have the accident investigated. Since I'm not convinced with the police report I hired someone. The family knew about it especially Marie I kept her updated on it but we rarely discuss it considering we have a Company to run.

Me:         Haven't heard anything yet with from the investigator but I will let you know as soon as he found something. (I sighed)

Mom:      Okay sweetheart I just hope you find peace on this. Anyways I better let you go now and I have a birthday to plan.   Bye!  (Mom hanged up before I can even protest)                


I went back doing my office work until it was time to go again. I was driving my car thinking about Mom's idea. I was planning to have a double celebration for the Christening. Yes they haven't got the proper baptism since everything was very hectic and I felt bad. Mom just gave me a wake-up call I just hope everyone will be there including Dad. I remember the day we had our argument.

(FLASHBACK --- 2 months ago)

"Hey baby gal where you heading?" Dad is busy playing with Zandy.

"I'm just going to the police station to see if they find anything suspicious from the accident." I answered while making coffee.

"Why don't you let the police do it themselves? They will call you anyways if they found out something right?" Dad gets defensive.

"I know but I still wanna go." I sipped my hot drink.

"Why are you digging on it? It's been three months since the accident do you really wanna keep hurting yourself." Dad shouted a little.

"I want to have some peace of mind regarding this accident Dad. Is it a bad thing?" I tried to compose myself.

"Why don't you focus with the kids instead of investing more time on this nonsense investigation?" He barked.

"It might be to you Dad but it's important for me! That non sense accident killed my father-in-law in the process my children lost their father and my husband too." I stood up from my chair.

I walked out of the kitchen and went to the living room. Mom and Sherry showed some sympathy and something I can't decipher. After I kissed my children on their forehead I head off to my car and drove to the police station.


Since then we barely see and talk with each other.  Now that I think about it maybe he is right. Could it be that I am just doing it because I can't move on? Whatever the result of the investigation I think I'm ready for it.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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