Chapter 12 - The Day Out

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Today I plan not going to the office since I can't focus on my job. I wanted to unwind and be with my kids since I barely had time with them.


Me:            Bianca, please cancel all my meetings and clear my schedules for today? (I dialled her immediately)

Bianca:    Sure Shannen. Is there something wrong? Are the twins sick? (She responds while typing)

Me:             Yeah they are great I just want to have time with them since                 there's not much to do today. (I briefly said) 

Bianca:     Ah okay well have fun. Is there anything else? (She sounded                relax)

Suddenly I remember Mr. Benson's proposal that I need to re-read.

Me:             I left Mr. Benson's proposal at my desk, it's beside the            picture frame. Can you please come here and bring it over?  (I ordered her kindly)

Bianca:     Of course what time specifically? (She paused for a minute)

Me:             Around your lunch time. (I ordered nicely)

Bianca:     I'll be there in two hours. (She followed)

Me:             Thanks Bianca. Bye! (I ended the call)


Soon Steph starts crying while Zandy is still sleeping. After a while Sher knocked in and Zandy stirred smiling. He definitely is a charmer like his father.

"Hey sis, morning! Aren't you going to be late?" Sher greeted me.

"Morning! I decided to spend it with my kids today so I phoned Bianca." I excitedly get up.

"That's great! They surely miss their Mom's care and love plus I might have a date today." She got Steph Zandy while I carried Steph.

"Finally! Anyways we are going to the park and we will be back around lunch. Bianca is coming over to bring a document. If you're still here please take it for me, it's important." I favoured her.

"Will do." Sher briefly nods.

We went to the dining area and make breakfast while eating pancakes Zac entered my mind. I really miss him and if he's really alive I will find him. I didn't realize I'm already crying.

"Sha, are you okay? You spaced out and now you're crying." She broke my trance.

"Yeah... I just remembered something." I gave Zandy his peanut butter cookie while strawberry cookie for Steph.

"You're thinking of Zac, don't you?" She guessed correct.

"I really missed him so much and I still love him like crazy Sher. I can't get over the fact that he is gone even though it's been six months now." I admitted.

We were silent for a minute or two until she speaks up again.

"Sha, what if I did some awfully things something big that will make you hate me. Will you forgive me?" Sher took me by surprised.

I didn't respond her instantly and the possibility of betrayal crossed my mind. But I believed she can't do it because she knows how badly I love Zac so I have to give her the benefit of a doubt. Still she's not off the hook same with the rest of the family.

"Sher, you're one of the most caring people I know. You've been there for me eversince and I can see how you sacrifice your life in Italy just to be with us. But if it helps of course I will forgive you, you are my sister and my best friend." I assured her.

"Thanks Sha. Just remember I love you and these two sweetpeas. I think they got your crazy cravings." She gestured to the twins.

"State the obvious." I giggled watching my kids.

We switched our gaze to my two beautiful kids whose busy playing blocks on their chair. I just wish their father is here.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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