Chapter 40 - The Decision Making

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"I'm not choosing who amongst them will die or live but I'm making a proposition to you Bianca." I started my devise plan. 

"Go on. I wanna hear you say it." She seems interested.

"Tony you will free my kids and my mother in exchange of the money and the documents for the Ownership all in same. Bianca free Shannen and I will divorce Shannen then I'll marry you." I proposed.

"Noooo!!! Zac don't do that... just choose the kids..." Shannen pleaded but I stick with my decision.

"I'm sorry Shannen, I made my mind up. I will divorce you then you can live with our children in peace. I love you and I'll always will but I have to do this." I know my wife will not forgive me.

"Don't do this... we need you... please... You promised you'll never leave us..." My wife keeps shaking her head.

"ENOUGH OF THIS DRAMA!!" Tony shouted. 

"Dad untie Marie." Bianca accepted my offer.


"NO! I mean every word Bianca. Let them go and you can have me." I convinced her. 

"See Dad Zac finally realized that I am the one he wants. Now we can have a family of our own after we got married. Give those two brats to her I don't need them." Bianca smiled sweetly that gives me an irk feeling.


"Zac needs to prove it! Zac... come here sweetheart. They have to believe that we are meant to be." Bianca speaks like a retard.

"Wait! I need her to sign the papers since she was the last successor." I popped out the idea.

"One wrong move and your kids and wife will die." He huffed.

All throughout our talking I know the snipers are taking the aim on Tony but we can't take the shots. I watched my mom being release on her handcuff now at least she is free. I only need my kids and Shannen to be safe. When I finally got her I made sure she gets my short message short but clear.

"Get kids to the car." I whispered faster.

Inside the car is Jorge and Elena are hiding from the backseat. They will driver her and the kids home as soon as mom gets out of the warehouse.

"NOW HAND ME THE MONEY!!" Tony demanded as soon as mom was untied.

"Give my kids to my mother that is the part of the deal. You still have my wife so I don't plan to do anything stupid." I acted.

Tony gave his ordering command and gave my kids to my Mom. Now there is only my wife that I need to safe. I need to buy time until mom finally gets out.

"Now prove to me that you're willing to be my wife. Kiss me and kill her!!" Bianca demanded and hand me the gun while pushing Shannen off of her.

I mouthed "sorry" to Shannen then I kissed Bianca!! It tasted like an acid to my lips. I buy the time to get the gun away from her.

Tony was too engrossed at the money that he didn't even notice Ben, Andrew, Emerson and Martin are behind him. They began fighting with the gun and heard exchange of shots. Both Mr. Davis and Mr. Singh tried to runaway but the policemen caught them and immediately handcuffed with broken faces.

After I successfully did my plan I pushed Bianca away from me.  Eventhough how much I hate that woman I can't hurt her or any woman for that matter so I let her go. I

"I'm so sorry babe for kissing her. I just did it to divert her attention." I went to Shannen's side.

"Zac I know." Shannen hugged me.

I was still holding her when we heard another gunshot. Everyone turns to find out who has been shot.

I turned pale and my eyes turned to Bianca.  I lost control and fired the gun aiming her heart! Soon I saw her on the ground pooled in blood while hearing Tony screamed. I let go of the gun and catch Shannen almost limping in my arm.

"Z---accc..." Shannen begins to talk.

"Babe... stay awake... don't talk... just stay awake for me... don't leave me..." I applied pressure on her bleeding chest.

"Z---zac... I---ii... can---t...." Shannen started coughing.

"Shhhhhh babe... nooo don't say that! Stay with me the ambulance is on its way..." I started crying while watching my wife almost losing her life.

"I... lo---ve you Zac... Take ca---re the... kids... I... for---give our pa---rents..." My wife closed her eyes.

"Noooo!!!! Noo... Noo... Noo..." I keep screaming until the paramedics arrived.

My wife needs to be alive!! Our kids need their mother. The EMT was trying to do their best while I just watched my wife on the side.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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