Chapter 26 - The Longing Couple

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Gone?? Where could she be? Isn't she supposed to be sleeping in our room? I went in panicked and check the kids' room thinking they were in danger.

Soon as I opened the nursery I saw my beautiful wife and my kids sleeping on their own cots. I slowly walked in and touch my wife's face. I noticed she cut her long black hair and it was a little wavy. I kissed her temple for the longest time I could.

Damn! I miss her very much! She was still pretty as I can remember and still a heavy sleeper. I smiled at the thought and walk over to our kids sleeping peacefully like their mother.

For the first time I saw my baby girl, Stephanie Marie. She got all my features except my hair colour.

"Daddy's here now my beautiful princess. I promise not to leave you again." I hold her tiny hand and kissed her head.

I switched my eyes from her to my little prince, Zander Cristoff. He definitely got Shannen's features but we have the same hair colour.

"Hi buddy its Daddy. I love you both so much." I hold his little hand and touched his cheek.

I head back to bed and sat beside my wife. I swear she's hotter now and my growing tent proves it. I did the only thing I could think off. I kissed her. Damn! I miss her lips and how it tasted on mine. Soon as my lips touches hers she opened her eyes in shocked.

"Z---ac? Zac you're here? I'm I dreaming? Please don't wake up." Shannen opened her big brown eyes.

"You're not dreaming Shane, I am here babe and I'm real." I caressed her cheeks.

She keeps touching my face to check if she's dreaming or not.

"B---uut... how? I know you're alive and the accident... the lies... but you have amnesia and---" She rants. 

"I remember you." I placed a finger on her lips.

"You did?" She's like in dreamy state.

"Yes my memory forgets you but my heart never did." I cupped her face.

"I was ready to follow you in Italy because I can never just give you up." She is about to cry.

"Then it's a good thing I take the first flight. God! I miss you so damn much!" I hugged her tight.

"I damn miss you too babe." She replied in same manner.

I wiped her tears and captured her lips. Our kiss was full of longing, love, hunger, passion and all the emotions there is to describe. We keep kissing till were both out of breath.

"Zac." She moaned my name just like the way I remember it.

"Oh god babe." I went crazy hearing it.

I couldn't hold any longer so I claimed her in most rough ways I can imagine. She didn't complain and let ourselves explore in one wild passionate love making.

"I love you so much babe." I pulled her closer after our heated passion.

"I love you so much more." Her hand is still on my neck.

"I think our kids want to have time with their Daddy too." I commented after hearing our kids crying.

"Yeah." Shannen giggled.

We get up and went to our kids' cot. I picked up my little sweet princess while Shannen got our son who's starting to cry. 

"She's so beautiful just like you." I kissed my wife's forehead.

"She got all your features except your eyes." She answered while staring at Zandy.

"But my little buddy here got your eyes." I went to her side.

She went to bed and stated breastfeeding him and I hand her Steph on the other side.

"I guess our kids love your milk taste too." I gave double meaning.

"Zac! Stop it!" She scolded me yet blushing.

"I can't help it you really taste as good as before even better now." I whispered.

"If you don't stop then you won't get any more of it." She threatened me.

"I love you babe and our children.  I promise I will never miss out any single detail of their lives. Babe, I will go hell and back to be with you."  I went beside her.

"I love you too babe." She smiled while nursing the twin.

"I'm finally home." I whispered. 

Soon after the kids were fed enough I helped her up. She dressed Steph a white jumpsuit with an orange star design. Zandy on the other hand is wearing same jumpsuit but with blue airplane on it.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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