Chapter 29 - The Kids Day

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I smiled broadly at the scene my husband' shirt and pants are all drenched with some bubbles on his head! But I couldn't careless that's my hands-on hubby.

"Let's go out with the kids babe." Zac came out of the bathroom.

"Where you want us to go?" I placed our angels on their cot.

I started dressing Steph with pink dress while Zandy is wearing blue denim jumper. I gave them their milk on their cot and they started to doze off.

"To the park... Amusement centre... Toy store... Shopping mall... I don't care as long as we all go out today." He keeps on going.

"Sure but you need to change first. You look like you went into water tournament." I teased him.

"So you're saying I didn't know how to bath our kids?" He acted like he was hurt.

"I didn't say that you did but you need to learn more kiddo." I wiped the bubbles off from his head.

"Take it back." He marched towards me.

"What are you going to do about it... kiddo?" I repeated it again.

"You will pay for that." He starts tickling me.

"Z---ac... ha!! ha ha!! st---oopp!! I answered between laughter.

"Now we are both wet. Ha! Ha! Ha!" He got this playful smirk.

"Noooo!! Ahhh!!" I opposed yelling. 

"Say I'm the best Daddy in the whole world and I'll stop." He keeps attacking me.

"Okay... okay!! You're the best Daddy in the world!!" I gave in smiling.

"Good. Now let's go change while these two are having nap." He pulled my hand.

We went to the bedroom and quickly changed. I had my shower first since I need to make new bottles. Zac prepared snacks and prepared the baby bags to the car. An hour later we are ready and the kids started to fuss. Zac carried Steph and I took Zandy then head to garage.

"Babe, just put it in your trunk." I instructed him while folding the trolley.

"Why? Is there a problem with your car?" Zac eyed my car.

"No it's totally fine but the kids are not comfy there especially Steph. She gets irritated and cries a lot but when we use yours they are quiet. It's weird." I explained. 

"Maybe they feel closer to me." He smiled.

We strapped the kids on their boosters and let Zac lead the way.

"Babe, where exactly are we going?" I get in the front seat.

"We can go to park first... then eat something... then buy toys..." He keeps rambling with a big smile.

"They have too many toys already and we packed food."  I reasoned out.

"Let's make a deal. We go to park and eat our food there but we will buy them new clothes and toys." He haggled.

"But---" I opposed.

"Babe, I haven't even bought them anything for the last six months. So will you please let me do this?" He squeezed my hand.

"Sorry babe I forget that part because for me you didn't left us." I gave in.

"Thanks babe. I'm glad you never give up on me." Zac smiled.

"Babe I will never give you up no matter what." I squeezed his hand too.

Soon we are at the park strolling with the kids. A lot of people is staring to our beautiful kids and complimenting them. After we set the mat on the ground we let the kids crawl while watching them play. A little later Steph started to cry because Zandy snatched her favourite rattle again.

"Don't make your baby sister cry buddy." Zac gave the toy back to Steph.

"He is just a baby they will not understand." I defended Zandy.

"As a matter fact they do babe. Babies on their age tend to be more observant. I read it from the magazine and also some facts about twins." He is very confident.

"Is that so Mister then please enlighten me." I challenged him.

"One; they have this special connection called Twin talk. They can speak with each other in their own language.  Two; they have different finger prints and third and most shocking they can have totally different Dad." He counted with his hand.

"I knew the first and second but I'm not aware of the last one." I was flabbergasted.

We talk some more while eating and fed the kids. Later on my very excited husband drives us to the toy store. Zac is like a mad man buying everything he sees. For Steph he bought toy rattles that comes in bright colours, animal and flower shapes. Zandy loves blocks so he grabbed every different designs and sizes.

Next stop he purchased educational toys like stacking toys, linking rings, activity gyms, board books including teethers and bath toys. Then we head to feeding supplies and he bought different sipping cups and dinnerware such as plates, bowls and soft-tipped utensils. After that was bath section where he made sure we get the hypo-allergenic shampoo and soaps. The last aisle was the craziest one the baby clothes he ended up buying everything that has pink and blue. I know it was too much but I let him spoil the kids after all he was right.

We paid and placed everything in the cart on the way to the parking lot. We load it in the car trunk and had problems closing it. Soon as we fixed it we buckled up the twins.

"This day is the most tiring yet happiest day of my life." Zac opened the front door.

"Me too babe." I get in with exhausted sigh.

"Seems were not the only ones." He glanced to the backseat.

We smiled and watched our kids sleeping. Zac started the engine and we head home in comfortable silence. The twins are still sleeping so we carried them and placed to their cot.

"Thank you for giving me the most precious gifts in the world. I love you so much babe." My husband cupped my face.

"I love you more babe." I pecked his lips.

For the first time I didn't sleep alone and mostly it was in our bedroom.

We fell asleep cuddling each other but didn't forget to turn on the baby monitor.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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