Chapter 16 - The Last Resort

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After my conversation with my sister last night a lot of questions float into my mind. I admit this is somehow my mistake I didn't visit the grave since the accident and I think now is the time. I have to prepare myself for whatever the outcome is. Today I decided to call Marie but it went straight to voicemail. I tried calling for the last ten minutes yet I only got the same results so I gave up and dialled the next person.


Me:             Thank God you picked up Martin! Thought I'll get another  voicemail. I've been trying to call Marie but I can't seem to                     reach her. (I thankfully sigh)

Martin:      Hey Shannen! What's up? Is there anything wrong with the twins? (Martin greeted)

Me:             No they are perfectly fine I'm calling for other reason. (I assured him)

Martin:      What is it? (His tone sounded hesitant)

Me:             I... uhhmm... I wanna know which cemetery Zac and Cris was. (I crossed my fingers)

The line went silent on his end for a minute or two before he speaks again.

Martin:      Wh---hy so sudden? (He ignored my question)

Me:             It's been six months since the accident and I think this is the right time for me to visit their graves. I'm ready now Martin. (I explained myself)

Martin:      Hmmm... I don't think that's a great idea. You haven't moved                on... (He reasoned out)

Me:             Exactly! That's why I wanna go there to have a closure. (I    retorted)

Martin:      Listen, I... I have to go... I have an emergency call... I will get back to you later. Bye! Take care! (He hanged up)


"So much for the answers I wanted." I muttered. 

Now if I think about it there are some incidents they have weird actions. First was Sherry with her side comments about Zac being alive. Second Martin isn't giving me any details about Zac's grave. What the hell is going on!? There are only two people left who might probably give me the information. If I don't then I will let Andrew work on it even it's my last resort.

Now I'm at my parents' driveway and saw their cars so I knew both of them are home. I inhaled deeply and knocked.

"Hey sweetie! What a surprise?! What brings you here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Mom ranted on me.

"Hello Mom. I just dropped it's been a while since I last visited." I kissed her cheek. 

"Elena, who's at the do---" Dad came in and didn't finish his sentence.

"Dad." I stayed on my spot.

I was expecting a scowl or a scold from him but the next thing I knew he was hugging me.

"I'm sorry." Dad first words.

"No I'm sorry Dad. I should never get mad at you. You are just concerned about me."  I didn't realize I was crying.

"Shh... don't cry its okay." He wiped my tears.

"I missed you Dad." I'm still hugging him.

"I missed you too baby gal." He kissed my forehead.

Mom cleared her throat as she wiped her eyes.  I can't blame her to be emotional.

"Enough with this tears we don't wanna caused flood here right?" She humoured us.

"Your Mom is right.  Let's sit by the couch while your Mom makes coffee." Dad suggested.

"That's a great idea." I sniffed.

We head to the living room and wait for Mom to return. Minutes later she returned with three mugs on a serving tray.

"How are my grandchildren doing? It's already been awhile since I last saw them. Are they giving you headache?" He begins to smile.

"Steph and Zandy are great. I enrolled them last week at day care. Their also learning to crawl and I started giving them some solid foods. Two handful kids but they will never be headache for me.  For me they are perfect kids." My spirit is totally lifted.

"I'm glad to hear that." Dad helped Mom.

"So, what brings you here sweetheart?" Mom holds coffee mugs in her hand.

"I... I wanna talk about the accident actually." I placed my mug on the table.

"Oh..." Mom stared from me to Dad.

"Well it's been six months and I wanna start my life again. So I've been thinking in order for me to do that I need to accept my past." I hope they bought it.

"What exactly you mean baby gal?" Dad creased his brows.

"I want to... know which cemetery Zac's was." I blurted out.

"Have you tried calling Marie?" Mom face is turning pale.

"Yes but it keeps going on her voicemail. I also tried calling Martin but he was busy and Sherry is currently doing her painting so coming here was my last option." I told them.

Somehow they got stiff and not talking that makes my suspicious true. They are definitely hiding something from me.

"Is there something you're not telling me? Why do you have this guilt in your faces? Please tell me it's nothing serious." I tensed up.

"Perhaps, this is the right time for you to know. We can't keep this forever with you." Dad speaks after a long pause.

"What do you mean?" My pulse starts beating like crazy.

"Shannen sweetie I want you to have an open mind can you promise that?" Mom butts in.

All I could do is nod and wait for whatever they have to say.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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