Chapter 28 - The Family Bonding

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We set the twins on their playpen while I prepare their food and warming up my storage milk from the fridge. Yup! I make extra bottles especially when I'm working so it won't be a problem with Sherry.

"Sit here. From now on I will be the one to take care of you and our kids. You have them for thirteen months almost alone. Now it's my time, my responsibility." Zac guides me in the chair.

I followed since he won't let me move from my seat and help him out with the breakfast. So I settled on watching him in kitchen it's like a dream come true seeing him alive and well. From the last six months he seems to lose weights but he is still as handsome as ever. Damn! I just wanna jump into his arm right now.

"If you keep doing that I can't finish cooking so keep those thoughts away before I take you on that table." He smirked.

I can't take the thoughts away so I did everything to tease him. I sat by the counter making sure he see a little more inside my thighs.

"What if I don't?" I purposely arched my back. 

"Oh God! Don't do that! You are killing me babe." He turned the pan off.

"I'm just sitting here." I pretended innocent.

"Is that so..?" He stands between my legs.

I really want him right now so I pushed my body closer. He started running his hands on my thigh. GOD! His touch is sending me millions of electric shots. I couldn't even control it!

"I want you." I demanded a little loud.

After we settled our breath from an intimate counter battle he placed me down on the chair.  My legs are still wobbly when we heard Zandy cries.

"I'll get him and Steph." He pecked my lips.

"Go. I'll prepare the table." I motioned my head.

"No stay here." He objects then Zandy cried louder.

"It seems like our son is demanding as you are." I giggled.

"He just wants attention just like I do." He winked.

Soon the twins are sitting on their high chairs while we feed them with carrot puree for Zandy and strawberry purée for Steph. Zac never wanted me out of his sight so he made me sit on his lap.

"I wanna know how the CEO handled the company?" Zac is grinning.

"It was tiring. A lot of paper work, decisions, signing, planning and issues but I try to manage." I sighed.

"That's great babe! You're so smart and always have the brightest idea. I trust you with your decisions and I'm very proud of you, Mrs. Shannen Collins, my CEO." He kissed my neck.

"Babe, there's something I need to tell and show you. You're the only one I trust with this." I bit my lip.

"Can it wait?" He groaned while I started to get up.

"It's very important... please." I gave him my best sweet pout.

"Fine." He let me go.

"I'll be quick." I pecked his lips.

I went to the library got the files from Fred including Andrews. I'm glad I synced my office files on my laptop so it's easy to do everything.  I head back to the dining area and saw Zac playing with our kids. He is doing this crazy faces that makes Steph and Zandy giggled. It was a great sight to see my kids and their father together.

"Come here babe. Don't just stand there." Zac motioned his hand.

"I just love to see you and our kids." I smiled.

As soon as I placed the files on the table Zac pulled me on his lap again. I showed him the Company's profits for the last six months, the promotions I gave, new rules and changes I made.

"Wow! In span of my absence you managed to handle all of these? You are incredible babe!" He gave me compliments.

"Thanks. Babe, do you by any chance signed a million dollar cheque and transferred it to a different account?" I seek him.

"The last one I signed was the partnership with Novis investors and the payrolls." He placed his chin on my shoulder. 

I grabbed the next folder and gave him Fred and Andrew's reports. I explained every detail and his face is close to killing.

"Whoever is behind the fraud will pay for their life. The Company is built with hard works, ideas and even my father and my great grandfather's sweat and blood.  I will not let this bastard take everything that our family worked hard for." He balled his fist.

"I already had Fred on it he is investigating discretely with Andrews help. I trust those guys so calm down you're scaring the kids." I faced him.

"God! I'm so lucky to have such brainy beautiful wife? You're really the best."  He finally relaxed.

"Nope I'm the luckiest one." I kissed him.

Making out in front of our kids is a big no but I can't help it. I missed my husband so much it's been six damn long month since I held him.  We pulled away for air and saw our kids playing with their food specifically Zandy.

"No buddy. Never play with the food." Zac talked to his son which earns a giggled from Steph.

"I can tell she's a Daddy's little girl." I smiled at them.

"Well Zandy is totally a Mommy's boy so it's fair." My husband gets even and I know for the fact its true.

After breakfast Zac bathed them while I stayed in the corner. I just watch and instruct him what to do. He wanted to learn and experience everything with our kids from bathing, rocking them to sleep and even nappy changes so I let him be.  He didn't have to tell me twice because I know how much he missed the six months of their live. Today is all about him and our kids.


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••••• MJ Cristine

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