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"FINALLY!!!! OUR TWICELIGHTS TOUR WILL END NEXT NEXT WAIT--RIGHT NEXT NEXT WEEK!!!" nayeon unnie shouted as soon as we arrived in our dorm.

it's already april 6 and we just got home from japan. while the boys? i think their world tour already started.

"it's almost 6." chaeyoung unnie said. "should we order dinner or should we cook?" momo unnie asked. "order, i'm too tired to cook." jihyo unnie answered. "alright, i'm gonna make a call now." chaeyoung unnie said. "i'm gonna go and make drinks for us." mina unnie said. "i'll help you unnie." dahyun unnie followed mina unnie to the kitchen.

"the boys are calling, should i connect it to the tv?" jeongyeon unnie asked. we just raised our thumbs up.

ah i'm so tired. i feel like, i want to sleep for 3 days or more. it's too tiring but i made our fans happy.

"you guys okay?" i opened my eyes and saw the seven of them in the screen. they are on a room. probably in their hotel room.

"tzuyu looks really tired." namjoon oppa commented. "jagiya, gwaenchanha?" he started to look worried.

i gave him a little smile. "i'm fine." i answered. "where's mina and dahyun?" jimin oppa asked. "they are making--"

"here's the juice--oh! annyeong!" dahyun unnie waved at them. they put the pitcher and the glasses on the center table. "alright, the delivery man will be here after 15 minutes!" chaeyoung unnie sat beside me. "you can all rest after your concert finale here don't worry." jin oppa smiled at us.

"your world tour already started right?" nayeon unnie asked. "yep, we're already in another country. we'll be back around august or september."

(so i know that bangtan cancelles their world tour for MOTS because of the coronavirus so in this story since it's fanfiction, i will not include about the virus since y'all know this is just fanfiction, but i have high hopes that tzukook is really real, like 90% real for me so, i hope you guys eat well, be healthy, and take care and always pray, :>)

"hyung, we'll actually come back around september or october not august or september." jimin oppa said.

yoongi oppa just nodded making us laugh. "this is getting awkward. we have nothing to say." namjoon oppa chuckled.

"same here." jihyo unnie said. "we're really too tired to the point we just want to sleep for a whole day."

"or more." jeongyeon unnie added. "we feel the same though." jin oppa said.

"yeah, you guys already travelled the whole world for your world tours." nayeon unnie said.

"and we wish to travel again with the nine of you."

"or eleven." jimin oppa said. "eleven?"

"with jeong's and chaeng's boyfriends duh."

"i don't have a boyfriend. i love myself." jeongyeon unnie said. "i know something they don't know."

"spill it or i'll kill you."

"we make a deal then."

"oh, tzuyu fell asleep on the couch."


i slowly opened my eye, it's already dark. "good evening tzu. here's your dinner that you didn't had the chance to eat with us since you fell asleep on the couch." sana unnie said.

"what time is it?"

"almost 10, nayeon unnie, jeongyeon unnie, jihyo, mina and dahyun went upstairs 5 minutes ago, while momo and chaeyoung are washing the dishes while i'm here to watch you since jungkook asked us to give your dinner as soon as you wakes up."

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