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"jungkook-ah, kaja. we're gonna perform in 3 minutes." jin oppa called him.

he pouted. "go now, jagi. we'll still meet later though don't worry." i said.

"ara." he planted a soft kiss in my lips making me smile. "let's have a date later."

"okay." i said and he stand up. jin oppa smiled at me before getting out. "whenever you're around, he's always clingy." sana unnie said and sat beside me. we just finished performing and they visited us.

well, the half of them. "he's clingy to his hyungs too."

"and especially to you, my dear yoda." she said and put her head on my shoulder. "are they okay now?" i asked.

"i don't thinks so but yoongi oppa will take unnie out later, they're gonna talk." sana unnie answered. "should i tell jungkook to tell them that they should ride with us?"

"oh no no no, it's your alone time with him, and the same goes to them." she said. "okay."

good thing nayeon unnie performed really well earlier. she looked like she's okay but deep inside, she's not. i sighed. i want to comfort her but i don't know how. i think a hug will do?

"sana unnie, i think my necklace got stuck in my hair." dahyun unnie called. "okay. bye bye tzu." she smiled at me and went towards to dahyun unnie.

jeongyeon and jihyo unnie are taking a nap, while mina, momo, and chaeyoung unnie are playing some games, while nayeon unnie is in a deep thought.

i sighed and stand up. i sat beside her. "oh tzu, have a problem?" she asked. i smiled at her and hugged her. "i don't know how to comfort you but i think a hug will do." i said. "you can count on me unnie."

and then she hugged me back. i heard her sniffed. "am i wrong because i got mad at him?"

"yes unnie. you didn't gave him any chance to explain. he wanted to surprise you." i answered. "can you atleast lie?" she laughed a little. "unnie, i don't know how to lie." she laughed again and broke the hug, she wiped her tears. "you should say sorry to oppa unnie. jungkook heard him talking to himself, he's blaming himself, that he should have told you about this."

"i'm such a bad girlfriend."

"aniyo, you're the best." i said. "say sorry to oppa and everything will be fine. you might meet IU sunbaemin again."

"yeah you're right." she hugged me again. "thanks tzu."

"you're welcome unnie."

"aww, look at them, i'm starting to get jealous." sana unnie pouted. "hey! i'm here!" dahyun unnie pointed herself.

we laughed at them. "OH MY GOD THEY JUST GOT ON THE STAGE!!" momo unnie shouted. we focuses our attention on the television and watched them perform.

i bit my lip when he suddenly licked his lower lip and smirked. "he's seducing you tzu!!" sana unnie said. "not my baby! she's still innocent!"

we laughed at her and continued to watch.


"is nayeon okay now?" jungkook whispered to me as our group were told to stay together after our interview.

"yep, i comforted her." i answered and looked at her. she's laughing so bad again when jeongyeon unnie made a funny face. yoongi oppa stared at her with his blank expression but when nayeon unnie laughed again, his lips curved a bit.

"good job, my jagi." he suddenly kissed my cheek. "yah! someone might see us." i said.

he chuckled and held my hand even tighter. "tzu,i always makes sure that no one will see us okay."


"bangtan sonyeondan, twice. this way please." a staff told us. he then let go of my hand and went to v and jimin oppa. sana unnie pulled me as we followed the others.

we bowed at the other idols we met on our way to the stage. i smiled when i saw shuhua, she's with her members. "annyeong!" she greeted. i went towards her and hugged her a bit. our fans saw our interaction.

i bowed at her members and bid my goodbye and went beside chaeyoung unnie.

soon, the mcs arrived and announced the winner, and this time. we won.

we were shock, of course. we already expected that bangtan will win. jihyo unnie accepted the trophy and delivered her speech with so much love. "once saranghaeyo!!" we bowed together for a few seconds.

our song started to play we look around and bowed at the other idols. shuhua mouthed 'chukkahae' to me. i smiled and mouthed 'gomawo' to her.

we also bowed to them and they smiled at us. i saw how nayeon unnie looked at yoongi oppa and smiled at him. oppa also did the same before walking to the backstage.

i gave him a small smile and looked back to our fans and started singing when my line came.

after singing our song, we walk to our waiting room, and before we can enter, we saw them come out together and immediately turned their backs from us and walked away. we gasped.

"joon, what's happening?" jihyo unnie asked. he gave her a smile and kissed her forehead. "something came up, we need to go, ji. girls take care." he looked at us and gave us a smile before following the others.

wait! what about our date?

aish! chou tzuyu! remember, namjoon oppa said something came up so they needed to go immediately. nayeon unnie opened the door and went inside. "he didn't even left any message." nayeon unnie said.

"that's fine, nabongs. i think it's really important." jeongyeon unnie said. "cheer up girls, let's go change and head back home as soon as possible. we still have a practice tomorrow."

i also checked my phone and he didn't left any message also. i also checked the group chat, also none.

i started to type.

to: jagiyaaaa
hey, take care jagi. if you need someone, i'm here okay. you guys can solve this. we can re schedule our date :> saranghae! 💜


after sending it, i put my phone nack to my bag and went to the restroom to change.


i sat on the bed. still no reply.

maybe they are still talking about what just happened, that they made them leave immediately.

the door opened. "dahyun unnie." i said. she smiled and sat on my bed, giving me the glass of milk she is holding. "thought you wanted a milk before you sleep."

i took it. "thank you."

"he's not replying i know. taehyung also." she started.

"i think it's really serious." i said. "i hope we can help them to find a solution to this. i have a feeling this is a bad news."

"ani unnie, don't think like that. tomorrow, let's ask them and think if we can help."

"yeah you're probably right, i'm worried."

"all of us too unnie." i said. the door opened again. "dahyun-ah, go to your room and sleep. we have practuce tomorrow." jeong unnie smiled.

"ara, night tzu." she smiled and exited my room. "don't forget to wash the glass, goodnight." i nodded and she closed the door.

it's not a bad news, tzu. it's not a bad news.

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