Always There for Me

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- Year: 2014 -

- Y/N's P.O.V -

"MAAARRRKKKK!!!" I yelled from the bathroom. My call for him bounced off of the plastered walls encasing me and out of the framed door. I glanced to my left and to my surprise, sliding across the wooden floor in socks is none other than my roommate, best friend, and non-blood-related big brother, Mark.

Yes. I know! How could someone like me befriend the one and only Mark Fischbach? Well, it's a pretty simple story, well, it's simple to me. I'll tell it in the best way I can.

I was a freshman at your typical highschool. That's usually how these things start, right? My brother was a senior and was very well-known amongst the students and staff. So you'd imagine how many people were excited to meet me after his impressions, right? Over the years of high school, my brother always brought his friend, Mark, home on Friday nights. They would stay up for hours playing video games and watching movies. At times, I would be invited down to hang out with them as well. Eventually, Mark and I eased up to one another. He was my brother's best friend and soon became another big brother to me.

As a freshman, I was a lot younger than the normal standard. I was only 12. You'd think I would still be in middle school? Nope! I was very smart for my age. My middle school let me skip two grades. As insane and impossible as it sounds, I guess I was lucky. And boy, did that luck really kickstart my life!

Mark is only 8 years older than me. Right now, he is 24 while I am 16. Yes! I know it's weird to outsiders- but just trust me on this! I just graduated high school a bit ago. I chose not to go through college due to how successful my YouTube channel was, (channel name). Everyone, including my family, questioned why I never went to college. And to be transparent, I was worried about funding and the commitment.

I am young, and as much as I appreciate the support from everyone and colleges, I am not ready for that commitment. I don't even know what I want to do with my life! All I know now is that I enjoy creating content and it makes me money. I'm not in need of a job. I make enough money to support myself. But to pick a career to pursue it for a majority of my life? I can't do that.

And thanks to personal family reasons, I moved in with Mark after graduation. My real, biological brother approved that I would be better off there than anywhere else. My mother's opinion couldn't beat his. Nor did her opinion on my life matter much to me anyways. I'm not usually rebellious like that, but I'd take anything over living in that toxic household for any day longer.

Mark slid past the open bathroom door and toppled over himself. I burst into hysterical laughter before letting out my hand to help him up. I tugged on his muscular arms and pulling him up to his feet. He brushed his hand swiftly through his hair with a smile.

"You called?" He asked while holding a bowl of some type of pasta in his hands along with a pair of scissors. His shorts looked cut up. I am surprised he didn't drop and make more of a mess than he's known for! Also, what is with the shorts?

"Are you getting ready for the flight.. or are you too busy eating the leftovers in the fridge?" I interrogated him. Mark stood there blankly and then ran off back down the hallway. Still not dropping his food either. Yeah... he was definitely not packing.

I finished styling my hair, cleaned up, and left the bathroom. My suitcase was out in the living room leaning against the couch where I left it earlier. My phone buzzed in the pocket of my sweatpants. I slipped it out to check what the notification was.

"Adrian💚" it read. My boyfriend. I smiled brightly knowing it was him messaging me. I opened the message instantaneously. I read the message with the sound of a loving, pounding heartbeat begin in my chest.

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