Until I See You Again

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- Day 2: Pax East 2014 -

- Y/N's P.O.V -

The sun still rose the next day. I had been awake for a while. It gets hard to sleep on the nights when you are anticipating something coming on the next day. With my hands holding my blanket around me, I sat quietly on my bed, watching the warm sunrise outside out our hotel window.

The sunrise was a beautiful golden and orange color combined. Even the rays of the sun was enough to grace my skin with warmth. Such a welcoming thing to embrace first thing in the morning.

The good thing about not sleeping much is that you are able to see the true events of the night. You get to watch in real time the cycle of the moon rising and then setting. You see the stars shift ever so slightly as we spin on our axis. And the sun, the sun is the earth's true conqueror. Every day, the land his light touches is his. He is a part of everything living on this rock in space.

It almost makes not sleeping worth it in the end. You miss so much when you sleep. The world is so drastically different. It almost like a completely different universe. I am so lucky that I was about to witness the beauty of the night into the day.

Judging by what Mark was telling me on the ride home from the convention center, today was the same schedule as yesterday was. Not that I minded much. It can be nice to have a stable schedule and something to rely on when shit hits the fan. Plus, I really liked the event we did yesterday. It turned out to be really fun! It's really sad that today's the final day of Pax East. I really enjoyed it so much. My fans were really something. Something I never expected, but in such a wonderful way.

- At the Convention Center -

Mark and I made it to the stage where we had the same event as yesterday's. I saw Seán's famous green hair and leprechaun self standing tall and mighty. His chin held high. I immediately bolted over towards him in delight.

"Child!" He exclaimed as I approached him. A bright smile plastered over his face. He pulled me into his tight embrace.

"Hi father!" I greeted him with a strong squeeze and a smile, of course.

"Did you sleep well?"

"As well as I could with the excitement for today bubbling up in my stomach." I replied. "What about you?"

"I can understand that. I also slept a decent amount. Sleep is for the weak, am I right? Or what? Well, anyways. Has Mark been teasing you any more? I'll talk to him about it if so-."

"Woah, woah, Seán! Everything is okay! I'm fine." I laughed.

"Sorry!" He rubbed his neck with a little chuckle. He brought me over to the others to greet them. We all sat in the same seats as we did yesterday. I settled in, cracking open a bottle of water to loosen my throat from nervous tension.

"Here the fans come!" Bob announced to the group. We all fixed ourselves and waved to everyone. Soon enough, with a full crowd again, the event started.

Mark did his usual "welcome" speech to introduce all of us. I am definitely more confident with myself compared to yesterday. The fans were excited to see the eight of us. Question time and finally started.

"Mark! What's your favorite color?" Someone asked from amongst the crowd.

"I'm actually getting into the color red. I really enjoy it." Mark replied. "I've been buying things of that color and feel very satisfied with it. So yeah, Red is on my mind."

"Is Seán ever going to have a different color hair?" Someone else asked.

"I plan on keeping it green for a while." He said. "But if it gets really damaged, I might let it take a break for a while."

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