Doe Eyes

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After the stressful encounter, Seán and I arrived at the Chinese restaurant when he stopped me abruptly. I turned to him, curious yet confused. He glanced over at our friends at the table before turning back to me again. He spoke in a soft but stressed tone.

"I got you some food while you were gone, but, that's not the point right now though. I'm going to talk to Mark about what had happened. Please, keep Y/N company and don't say anything about what just happened." Seán instructed. I nodded as he patted my back. "The last thing I want to tell her is that he's here."

"She doesn't need that extra stress." I replied in agreement. He's right, she doesn't deserve that.

"Thank you, Ethan. You're such a big help!"

The two of us approached the long table where everyone was sitting at. I didn't see Bob, Wade, Mandy, or Molly. The four must be out somewhere else. There was an empty chair that had my belonging on the back and a styrofoam box of chicken and noodles. The aroma from everyone's food smelled so good, it made my stomach growl and long to eat already.

"Ethan! There you are!" Y/N exclaimed cheerfully. "Did you fall in?"

"Something like that.." I replied to her.

"Mark?" Seán asked. "Can I talk to you alone?"

Mark looked taken aback. He set down his chopsticks and followed Seán away from the rest of us. I sat down in my chair that was across from Y/N.

"What's that all about?" Amy asked worrisome. I interjected.

"Seán just had to discuss some meet and greet stuff for later today. Nothing too important. He's just thinking about it now and wanted to say something before he forgets."

"Oh, alright then." She sighed with a breath of relief.

"So, Ethan, when exactly are you going to be moving to LA?" Y/N asked me.

"In a week." I replied. "I have to start packing and confirm certain arrangements. I'm going to be a bit busy this week."

"Oh, well I don't doubt that. Moving across the country isn't easy. Plus, a week isn't that bad. I was thinking like months for you to move."

"No, Mark wants me to start working as soon as possible." I told her. She nodded and continued eating.

I couldn't help but notice faint scars on her arms. Thinking about what Seán said, I knew it was true, I just can't believe she's has been pushed to the point that she felt she needed to harm herself.

I shouldn't even think about this. She's clean and living a good life. She also has Mark and Amy taking care of her. Not to mention the guidance of Tyler and Seán. She's in good hands. I don't need to worry like this.

- Later That Day -

- Y/N's P.O.V -

This was always my least favorite part about any convention. Saying goodbye to the ones you love the most after spending your happiest moment with them. It gets harder and harder each year because the bond gets stronger and stronger. It gets that overwhelming at times and it's hard to overcome.

Bob, Wade, Mandy, and Molly all came to me. I hugged each of them individually and said my goodbyes. Even if I wasn't the closest with them yet, they're still good to me. Then, Tyler stepped in after.

"Hey Ty." I said with a sunken tone. His face furrowed.

"You don't seem so happy to see me." Tyler said as a joke. It was a bit funny but the worst timing.

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