The Breakup

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- Ethan's P.O.V -

I could still feel some slight consciousness in my slumber. It was like I was still awake yet my eyes remained shut beyond my control. I started to hear voices outside of the closet where Y/N and I had been trapped in. What's going on out there?

"Has anyone seen Y/N? It's been 2 hours...."

"I think they're in here, Mark..." The sound of a door opening ring in my ears. I could feel the light bounce off of my eyelids.

"Shh! They're asleep..."

"Told you she would crash..."

"Take a picture Seán... quick! before they wake up!..."

"I'm putting it on Twitter with the caption 'sleepy children.'"

I finally opened my eyes to the bright light. I squinted and looked up at Tyler, Mark, and Seán. They all were standing outside the closet door.

"Good morning, sunshine." Tyler said as a joke. I very much did not find it that funny but he did.

"Shh!" I told them pointing to the girl next to me. Y/N was still asleep along my shoulder. I didn't want them to disturb her. She was resting too peacefully.

"Oh, sorry!" He replied in a whispering voice, catching himself.

"Is the party over?" I asked looking around the figures in front of me. They cast a shadow on me and only little light poured in from the outside.

"Practically. Everyone else went home. Bob, Wade, Mandy, and Molly went to their hotel." Mark told me. I stood up carefully and then took a big stretch.

"Mark, are you and Amy heading out?" I asked running my neck that grew sore.

"We plan on it." answered Mark. "I just don't want to wake Y/N." Him and I took a moment to look down at Y/N who still remained fast asleep.

"I can carry her to the car if that will be of any help to you both. I'm in the same hotel as you guys anyways so, I'll take her to her room." I suggested. Mark thought for a second before replying with a staggered sigh.

"Fine." He huffed. Clearly not fully up to the idea of me getting that close to her. "Just be careful with her." Mark said sternly. Y/N meant a lot to him. Of course I'll be careful with her! She means a lot to me too.

I squatted down and gently lifted Y/N into my arms. Her head fell on my collarbone. She was out cold. Good thing too, she needs the rest she can get.

Amy, Mark, and I walked out into our Uber. Amy got in the backseat first while Y/N and I took up two spots. She was sitting on my lap still sound asleep. I held her close to my chest trying not to have the bumps from the drive wake her up. She curled up in my arms. My heart beat just a tiny bit faster. Her being so close to me like this, so vulnerable. Yet she lies so preciously on me.

I looked at her lifeless face and studied her. She looked so peaceful. I sat and tried to remember what happen when we were in the closet. It's all hazy. I guess the drinks were really tapped after all. Should've expected it.

I checked my phone and opened Twitter. I was tagged in a ton of photos. The first bunch happened to be the improv moment that Y/N and I had. My face burned hot as my cheeks flustered with embarrassment. She was so intimate with me.

Images of us kissing in the closet soon filled my mind. It came like an overwhelming storm. Her lips on mine, the hot air from us both filling the space around us, the way her hands fell perfectly on my chest without hesitation? It was almost like a perfect scene in a movie.. wait...I didn't... we didn't... did we?

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