Looking for Safety

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- In The Morning -

The smell of a disaster soon woke me up. My vision was blurry until my eyes focused on the coffee table in front of me. A familiar living room surrounded me. I had fallen asleep. Mark is going to kill me.

I sat up and looked over the couch to see Ethan fiddling with pots and pans. He looked to be baking something. Well, whatever he was doing.. it was a fire hazard for sure!

"Ethan?" I mumbled. He looked over at me and I could just see the slight embarrassment in his face.

"Oh, good morning. I was uh... trying to make breakfast." He said as I stood up.

"Let me guess, it's not going well?" I asked.

Ethan shook his head no. I hurried over and helped him clean up. I made sure to get out all the ingredients to start again. I put everything into the bowl and had Ethan stir it.

"Thanks for the help." He said finishing mixing.

"Well, I'd feel guilty if I didn't get to help some way." I replied. Ethan chuckled.

"You pour them into the griddle and I'll flip!" I told him. With a nod, he began pouring some batter onto the hot surface.

After a few pancakes were made, a set of knocks came from the front door. Ethan looked to be tense and hurried over. I shut the griddle off and snuck over to see who was there.

Whispering chatter only grew louder the closer I got. I peaked around the corner to see a pretty girl at the door. Her hair was a orange red parted on the side. She wore black clothes and a jean jacket. Ethan looked to be trying to push her out of the house.

Is that... Mika? I thought they wanted nothing to do with each other and just remain friends?...

I felt my heart split into two. I was foolish to think he was truly there for me and wanted only me. I should've known.

I stepped out from the kitchen and into the foyer going to the door. Ethan turned to me and his face only dropped more. Mika only became angrier.

"Y/N, I can explain-."

"No." I cut Ethan off. "You don't need to. I'm sorry for all of this, Mika."

"How do you know my name?" She asked.

"I'm Ethan's best friend... and that's all I'll ever be to him." I said throwing a shady side eye to Ethan. His face only sunk deeper.

"I'll be on my way home now." I said before grabbing my phone from the living room and maneuvering my way between them. He didn't even chase after me.

- 10 Minutes Later -

I found myself walking along the sidewalk in the direction I remembered was home. I didn't have a ride and my wallet was back at the house. I tried calling Amy and Mark. Neither of them answered. It had began to rain a few minutes ago. I was practically soaked since I didn't have a jacket.

I was alone. No one to go to. No one to call. And way too far from home. The tears I had shed only blended with the rain. I just wish I had known better.

My phone rang.

Finally... someone might help me.

I answered almost instantly. On the other end, I could hear Mark's worried voice caressing my name with gentle words. He bombarded me with questions. Of course, I told him everything.

"I'm on my way. Your location shows that you're close to the plaza. There should be some place to escape the rain. I'll bring towels. Amy is already preparing warm clothes and our favorite chicken and dumplings." Mark told me. I began to choke up out of happiness.

"Thank you..."

- At the House -

Mark walked me in while I was bundled up in towels like a caterpillar in a cocoon. My hair was damp and wet. My clothes only made me shiver. Amy welcomed me home and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry..."

"Amy, you're gonna get your clothes wet." I whined.

"I don't care, you're worth it." She said rocking me back and forth. Tears flooded my eyes before I could even try to stop them. I began to break down in her arms.

"I know... let it out." She comforted me and patted my back. I only gave into her more.

Mark joined in. The two of them managed to eventually stop me from crying. I was finally able to change into dry clothes. I came back out of my room and joined Amy and Mark in the kitchen.

Their smiles greeted me with love and compassion. I tried to give them one back but it was hard to do. I joined them on the high chairs by the island counter. Amy got up and fixed me a plate before giving it to me.

Our meal was silent. I didn't have the strength to speak, let alone know what to say. Mark's phone rang halfway through so he excused himself and went inside the studio room.

"The food is great Amy." I said trying to make conversation.

"Really? I tried a new seasoning!" She replied.

"Yes, I like it a lot." I forced a small smile and continued to eat. A moment of silence occurred.

"He hasn't said anything to you?" She asked bluntly. I looked at her in shock.

"N-No.. he hasn't."

"That jerk." She muttered.

"Is Mark ok? The phone call is kinda taking a little long." I mentioned.

"Should we.. yanno?" She winked.

"Yeah. Let's be quiet though!"

Amy and I hopped off the chairs and slowly crept across the living room. We reached the long hallway with our rooms, then bathroom, and studio. She and I got close and we could hear Mark yelling.

"He's yelling.." Amy whispered. "How come we didn't hear it?"

"There's soundproof padding." I replied. She nodded and listened in.

"Whether she was dropping something off or not, you shouldn't have brought her the same fucking day Y/N was there!" He yelled.

"I think he's on the phone with.. Ethan." Amy mumbled.

"You are to never talk to her again, you hear me? It's your fault for keeping contact with your ex girlfriend and leading on Y/N, who I consider family to me, for years! How dare you! And for you not to call her at all? Leave her out soaked in the rain walking home? You are disgusting. After Adrian, she doesn't deserve a guy who isn't going to treat her the way she needs! This matter is over. Bye."

Amy and I looked at each other and hurried back to the kitchen. We pretended to continue eating as Mark emerged from the studio. He didn't suspect a thing.

- That Night -

- 2:37 am -

I lied in bed restless. Nothing was working that would put me to sleep. I sighed and sat up in my bed. I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand to see what time it was. Dang... it's late.

I got out of bed and put on a pair of thick socks. I quietly left my room and cracked the door behind me. I used my phone flashlight as a way to see. I crossed through the living room and opened the balcony door. I shut it behind me slowly before turning to the beautiful night sky in front of me.

I pulled the chair by the railing and stood on both. I climbed on top of the roof and went to my spot. I admired the stars and constellations while a small cool breeze brushed against my face. I felt... relaxed.

Most importantly.. I felt free.

All my worries and doubts seemed to leave my body. As if the night had some magical power that could cure any sign of unhappiness. I was safe. Safe from boys, safe from pressure, safe from my own thoughts.

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