Do Not Laugh

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- The Next Day -

Amy and I were chilling on the couch snacking on the leftover chips and punch from last night. The tv was on in the background playing a random station. Her and I were too busy talking about the get-together.

"But Wade completely dumped the popcorn onto Bob. It was hilarious!" Amy snorted.

"What did Bob do once that happened?" I asked her.

"Oh my god, he chased Wade out of the house and onto the streets. You should've been there!"

"Ethan and I wanted to stay far away from the drinks as possible. You know what happened last time." I told her. She shrugged and grabbed her phone off the coffee table.

"You two!" Mark said to Amy and I, grabbing our attention.

"What's up, bitch?" I asked slyly.

"We're heading to the offices. Ethan, Tyler, and I are gonna record a Do Not Laugh video. You're in it too, Y/N." Mark shook his keys.

"Didn't even have to ask... dope! Let's go!" I said standing up. Amy and I followed Mark out of the house.

- At the Office -

I helped Kathryn set up the mic packs while Amy adjusted the cameras. I looked over at Mark, Ethan, and Tyler who were standing in front of a tv. The white walls lined with shelves and play buttons, a couch off to the left, bright lights just out of frame.

"I'm gonna head to the bathroom. Make sure the boys get their packs on." Kathryn told me. I nodded as she walked away.

"Dumb, Dumb, and Dumber." I called out to the three of them. They all looked over and came my way.

"Yes, ma'am." Mark joked. I rolled my eyes and handed each of them their mics.

Mark and Tyler got theirs on easily. Ethan on the other hand, looked to be struggling. Makes sense, he doesn't wear mics like this often.

"Here, let me help you. Kathryn will kill me if it's on wrong." I said reaching out. Ethan handed it to me with a small smile.

I stuffed the box into his back pocket and made sure to clip that part on. I handed the wire with the mic on it.

"Thread this up your shirt." I instructed. He did as I told him to. I then took the little piece and clipped it to the collar of his blue and white shirt.

"See? Easy! You'll get the hang of it!" I told him.

"Thanks." Ethan said running his hand through his hair. I turned and grabbed the last mic pack and began hooking it up.

"Wait, you're gonna be in it too?" He asked.

"Yep." I said trying to run the wire up my shirt without flashing him. That's the last thing I need.

"Mark just told me I was in it. I didn't even need to ask!" I laughed.

"That's cool." His attention diverted from my eyes to my shirt. "Struggling, I see?"

"Not trying to scar anyone else in this room." I said jokingly.

"Anyone else? Who have you scarred?!" Ethan exclaimed clearly curious. I clipped the tiny mic piece to my shirt.

"Mark." I said bluntly. "It was just him and I for years before Amy moved in."

"I heard my name." Mark said walking over with a smirk on his face.

"She flashed you?!" Ethan asked him in shock.

"Yeah. She's hot, not gonna lie." Mark laughed. "AND I CAN SAY THAT! SHE'S PRACTICALLY FAMILY!"

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