Questions Give Answers

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The crowd in front of us started to quiet down gradually as Mark tapped his microphone. He tested it to make sure it worked properly to his liking. He can be a bit picky with how the technical stuff work and all that. The friend group directed our attention to him along with the audience who were already entranced by him, as per usual. It's Mark after all!

"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier! I hope you all are doing well on this fine day and are extremely excited to be here! I am, along with my friends, are honored to be able to be here with you all. Also, our meet and greet will be two hours after this event for those who need to know. 3:00pm specifically!" He began his usual speech.

"To start, I'd like to introduce my wonderful friends first. They all willingly came here today to present themselves to you all. You all know and love them! First off, Bob! Introduce yourself and we will go down the line." Mark pointed all the way to Bob at the end.

"Uh- Hi everyone! I'm Bob!"

"Hey! I'm Wade." He chuckled

"I'm Tyler."

"Seán! Or if you prefer to call me Jack, that's fine too." He looked over at me since Mark already introduced himself. My heart was beating a little harder than normal. Don't screw this up.

"Hey, I'm Y/N." I said. Nailed it! That wasn't so bad! What was I worried about?

"This is actually Y/N's first Pax event so could everyone give her a round of applause for showing up like a real champ?" Mark wrapped his arm around me as everyone began screaming and clapping. I felt my confidence boost a bit along with a slight hint of anxiety. They didn't have to do this for me but they did! It's pretty sweet of them. I sat up taller and smiled. I didn't want the screaming to intimidate me anymore than it has. As long as I focus on the good, I should be okay.

"Thank you guys, you all are so kind!" I said with the most genuine smile plastered on my face. Eventually, the crowd that was once stirred up calmed down to let us continue on.

"Now without further ado, we will be answering some questions to start us off." Mark announced. Tons of hands raised up. Bob got up with a hand held microphone and walked around the audience. He chose a random person to ask a question.

"This one is for Y/N." They said. I was taken aback and listened in a bit more. "What are your plans for your channel?"

"That's a really good question!" I addressed. "For those who know me, I know I do a mix of both vlogging and gaming. I plan on continuing to do those things but a variety of games. I also want to update you all about my life as much as possible. Maybe some challenge videos in the near future!"

"Next question!" Bob said as he moved to another fan.

"How did Bob and Wade meet?" They asked.

Bob from the audience and Wade on-stage began having a discussion about their friendship, while I dozed off into space. It wasn't until I heard my name when I really snapped out of it.

"Are Mark and Y/N dating?" One fan asked. Mark and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Noooooo" Mark answered with his signature giggle.

"No, we are not dating." I clarified. "He is a really good friend of mine. Besides, I just got out of a relationship the other day. I'm not trying to rush anything. Mark will always be a brother to me and nothing more. Didn't we have a talk about this, Mark?" I looked over to him.

"Oh yeah, no, we've talked about this before, just me and her. At one point, I did feel some way towards her but soon realized that we work so much better as friends. Besides, I don't want to kick her out if we were to break up." He joked.

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