What Feels Like The End

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-TW// Family Verbal Abuse-

The familiar houses on my childhood streets that I grew up on only stimulated my nostalgia. My heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest from fear. The feeling of coming home to a family that clearly doesn't want you there is sickening for me. I could throw up on the spot if I wanted to. Of course, it wouldn't be that pleasant.

The suburban houses didn't greet me with the casual "welcome back!" Instead, they only were passing graves marking my doom.

I almost did puke when I saw the rose bushes out in my front lawn. The rock staircase and path leading to the front door of a tan wooden house and brown roof. A maple tree off to the side that a tire swing hung from.

"This it it?" Ethan asked. He and I sat in the back seat with Amy while Mark rode shotgun.

"Yup." I began unbuckling my seatbelt. "Welcome to hell."

I stepped out of the Uber and was forced to face the horrors that was my old home. The aesthetic of it was not as warm and welcoming as the people who lived inside it.

"Should we wait?" Mark asked.

"Fuck that." I said with a heavy knock on the door.

"Kill the attitude." Mark mumbled to me.

The door opened right then.

"You fail to realize how they treated me, Mark. I don't plan on being friendly." I rolled my eyes and forced myself inside.

The gray living room walls didn't greet me well either. The black leather couches still had the same scratch marks from my childhood dogs. And just when I thought things could get worse, my mother comes in with my father.

"Mom.... Dad." I cleared my throat and stiffened. "Glad to see you haven't changed."

"Mhm.. Mark! Oh, sweetie! How have you been?" My mother turned to him and reached for a hug while my dad only side-eyed me.

"I'm good, Mrs. L/N!"

"Is this that Amy girl you were talking so much about?" She asked.

"Yes!" Mark pulled Amy close. "This is Amy, my girlfriend."

"Wonderful to meet you dear!" My mother exclaimed.

"And who are you, young man?" My father asking Ethan who stood by my side.

"Ethan Nestor." He held out his hand. "I'm Y/N's boyfriend."

"What?" Mark, Amy, my mother, and I exclaimed.

"Oh.." My mother began. "Y/N? What happened to that sweet boy, Adrian?"

"We broke up." I said bluntly.

"Oh.. that's unfortunate." My mother sighed.

"Yeah, we'll when you find out the guy is a lying piece of shit then, yeah, I guess it is."

"Watch your mouth in this house!" She barked. Mark and Amy looked down. "This isn't a place to be rough."

I sighed and waited for the tension to clear. Wonderful start to this day.

"Well, didn't think she'd find an opportunity to find someone as honorable as you." My dad said. That was a backhanded insult.

"I take pride in being with her, sir. She's done enough to get me through very hard times. I feel I should do the same, even when those closest to her aren't necessarily on her side, I always will be."

Ethan smirked with a little wink added. He just shaded my dad. Not gonna lie... that was hot.

"Mhm.. great." My father said sarcastically. "We'll be outside in a second."

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