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-TW: Mention Of Past Self Harm!! (A Few Sentences)-

- 3 Hours Later -

- 1 Hour of Flight Left -

As I read the last words on the page, I closed my book shut firmly. Finished. I sighed deeply. What an emotional rollercoaster! Feeling the hardback cover underneath my fingertips. I graced my hand over it to feel the sensational texture. My eyes burned and laid heavy. I looked to my left to see that Mark was still fast asleep next to me. I smiled softly and laid my head on his shoulder. I tried to relax my body and get into a mindset of slumber. I closed my eyes gently and nuzzled my head deeper into his arm to get comfortable. Soon enough, I was fast asleep without a care in the world.

- Mark's P.O.V -

- 15 Minutes of Flight Left -

My eyes opened slowly to the plane lights dimmer than what they were when we first boarded. Probably to help people get some rest, I thought. I felt an abnormal amount of weight on my right shoulder. I glance over to see Y/N fast asleep next to me. I smiled to myself and pushed her hair behind her ear that was falling in front of her face. Her face was deprived of any sign of sadness. Instead, they looked more content than anything else. A peaceful trance that brought her into slumber.

She didn't deserve what Adrian did to her. I knew he was bad news- I just didn't want to ruin a happy thing for Y/N. As long as she was smiling then I didn't criticize it. But he hurt her greatly. I can't ever forgive him for that. I hope someday she'll find someone who treats her better and makes her happier. The last thing I want is for her to blame herself for something she cannot control. It's a pattern I wish to not see repeat.

The plane soon hit the ground with a thud and rolled along the runway. Y/N was out cold. Not even the shaking of the plane woke her up. Nor did the chatter amongst the other passengers even make her flinch. She must have been so exhausted from all of the emotions she's been feeling. We finally came to a full stop and the flight attendant gave everyone instructions on how to leave properly. I called her name a few times to wake her up, it took a few tries, but eventually she jolted up.

"Huh?" She groaned rubbing her eyes and adjusting to the light.

"We've landed. Come on. Let's get our stuff and go." I told her. The two of us grabbed our suitcases and filled out of the plane row by row. A few bumps into others here and there but other than that we got through fine. Luckily, we didn't forget anything on the plane.

We exited the gate and walked along the building. Y/N grabbed my hand and held it. It caught me off guard. She rested her head back on my shoulder on our way to the terminals. Her and I waited patiently for one to arrive, or at least I was waiting patiently. She was on her phone checking notifications. I smiled down at her. Y/N was still half asleep.

"Still not awake, sleepyhead?" I teased her. She looked up at me and stuck her tongue out. I guess that's a "no."

"No, I'm not." She admitted. "I'm counting the minutes until we get to our hotel so that I can nap."

"I am just happy that we have today off until Pax tomorrow." I added. She nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, this extra day will help me settle into the time zones and jet lag."

"Yeah, I agree." I said. The two of us boarded the terminal and sat down in the back.

"Yeah. I keep forget that it's, like, 4am and technically the next day." She laughed. "I'm not the best with time zones!"

"I've learned how to understand them. But, Hey! You're one day closer to your first meet and greet." I said trying to lift her spirits. She plastered a fake grin.

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