The Surprise

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- Day 1: Pax East 2016 -

Amy, Mark, and I burst through the clear doors that lead into the convention center. The place was all too familiar to me. This is the start of my third year at Pax. I stopped walking which made the two of them look back at me.

"What is our first event?" I asked Mark. He stopped walking and turned to me to reply.

"We have a panel where we are planning on doing improv skits. It's the same place as the first event we did two years ago. There's just no tables." He told me. "Why? What's up?"

"I was going to grab some more coffee. I had a hard time sleeping last night." I said. "I didn't want to drag you both with me. I figured I could just meet you there once I was done."

"That's not an issue. Just remember to get there before everyone arrives or you'll be bombarded." Mark advised me. I nodded in return. "And be safe!"

"Will do. I'll see you two!" The three of us waved goodbye happily. I wouldn't be gone for long. I ventured off to the store on my left. I knew this Starbucks would be here. I waited in line behind a few people. I scrolled through my phone to pass the time.

"Next!" The barista said suddenly. She caught my attention briefly so I glanced up at her with a smile. I then directed my attention to the menu and thought for a moment to figure out my order.

"How can I help you?" She asked.

"Could I have Y/D/O (your drink order)?"

"Of course! Anything else you'd like?" She began writing on the cup.

"No, thank you." I replied with a warm tone followed by many cheerful grins.

"And a name for your order?" She looked back at me.

"Y/N." I told her.

"Alrighty, your total is $4.59! Your drink will be out in a few. Enjoy the convention!" She exclaimed before I paid for my order.

"You too!" I told her in reply. I stepped out of the line and waited at the pick-up station with a few others.

"Well, well, well." Said the masculine voice behind me. I turned to see who owned the voice. A tall man towered over me. His hands stuffed in his pockets. He had a scruffy beard and familiar bright green hair.

"Are you just going to stare at me? Or are you going to give your father a hug?" He said with his arms wide open.

"SEÁN!" I gasped and hugged him tightly. He shook me back and forth. "I'm so happy to see you!"

"It has been too long, my child." He let go of me. "Coffee?"

"Yeah.. I didn't get much sleep last night." I admitted. "I tried though!"

"You know you're going to crash, right?" He gave me a side glance. "All that caffeine!"

"Me? Crash? Pfft!" I laughed.

"Oh well! By the way, I don't know if Mark told you or not, but the group and other friends are having a party at someone's house tonight. One of the people you don't know lives in this state and they're hosting the party there. Everyone is going." Seán told me. A party? I haven't been to one in so long. I just can't drink what they serve. Underage. I am only 18.

"Oh, I'm totally coming! It's been a while since I've let loose." I said.


"Y/N? Your drink is finished!" The barista called for me. I excused myself and grabbed it putting a straw in.

"We should get going to the panel! Your surprise awaits you!" Seán exclaimed.

It completely slipped my mind. The surprise I mean. It was a person from what Seán had accidentally told me. I didn't expect to have it be revealed today.

"Yeah, let's go!" I said. Seán and I left the café and began our walk. It was quiet due to my mind and heart racing 100 miles per second. I'm nervous. I don't know what to expect.

We soon arrived at the panel and all the attention was drawn to Seán and I. With a bright smile across my face, I waved to the group. Him and I were still kind of far away.

"Oh shoot! I forgot!" Seán said. He took his hands and covered my eyes with them. My vision went dark. I could only see tiny cracks of light where his fingers had separation.

"Seán? What the fuck?!" I swore. What is he doing?

"You can't see your surprise yet!" He said. "I'll walk you up."

He took me up to the stage where I heard the groups voices say my name. I felt hands shake mine in greeting.

"This is Tyler, your brother, nice to see you again. Although, you can't see me." He began to laugh.

"Once I'm free, Tyler, you're dead! You know that?." I threatened

"Yeah right! I'd like to see you try!" He teased.

Soon Bob, Wade, Mandy, and Molly all greeted me happily. It was great to know that they're there. Even though I can't see much. It's the thought that counts I guess.

"Alright, Y/N, I'm going to uncover your eyes now. The surprise is here." Seán said. My adrenaline rose once again. Soon the familiar butterflies filled my stomach as the drums in my heard pounded against my ribs.

What if it's something bad? What if it's someone I don't want to see? What if I make a fool of myself? Who is it? Who could it be?

The light stung my eyes. My eyelids fluttered to get used to the sudden change in brightness. In front of me was a blue-haired boy. He was a few inches taller than me. He wore a light blue shirt with denim jeans. His familiar face wore a large smile. It can't be...

"Backflip guy!" I exclaimed. He chuckled to himself and rubbed his neck nervously.

"That's me!"

"I'm so sorry, I forgot your name." I said to him. His face sunk with a hint of heartbreak.

"I'm kidding, Ethan. It's great to see you!" I gave him a tight hug. He was taken aback at first but then squeezed me.

"How have you been? It's been so long!" I asked him.

"I've been great! My channel is growing more day by day and life overall is just progressively becoming better. I'm very happy to be here."

"That's great to hear!" I replied with a smile.

"What about you?"

"I've been great too!" I smiled. "Wonderful!" He replied.

"Are you going to be participating at our event? Or were you just here to say hi to everyone?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Yeah, I was actually invited to be a part of Mark's panel event."

"That's great!"

"What's up my Cranky Crew!" Tyler said to him in a weird voice to tease him. I giggled to myself.

"That's not my intro!" He laughed.

"Cranky Crew?" I asked. "Ohhh CrankGameplays!"


"Tyler, keep going." I said with a growing smirk.

"With pleasure." Tyler winked at me.

"Y/N!" Ethan exclaimed clearly offended. A small chuckle left my chest as I spun on my heel to go see the others and greet them before the event started. Ah... what a dork.

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