It Begins Again

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- Year: 2016 -

2 years later...

My alarm rang loudly. My eyes opened slowly and I rolled over to check the time. 7:00am. 7:00am! Today was the day! The day I have been counting down to! It's today!

I shot straight up like a whack-a-mole. I barely slept through the night because I couldn't contain myself. Never have I been so excited for anything in my life! I jumped out of bed and got dressed. I made sure to check through everything in my suitcase to see if all of what I needed was there. Lucky for me, I was all set!

I left my room with the bag in my hand. I then set it down on the floor of the living room. Amy, Mark's girlfriend as of recently, was relaxing on the sofa. She had moved in with us a few months ago. For once, I finally had a girl best friend. I was friends with Molly and Mandy but never really close with them. It's always been me and Mark for years. Amy makes him so happy. How could I not accept them together?

What I respected about her the most was that she never accused me of having a thing for Mark. There's people in the world that would hate us being friends if one of us had a partner. She knows that he's like a bigger brother to me. I appreciate that more than she knows. Amy smiled at me and stood up. We both hugged each other.

"You're up and about- Which is unusual, but wonderful to see nonetheless! Excited?" She asked.

"Every year!" I told her. "Is Mark not up yet?" I asked looking around. No sign of him anywhere.

"I did wake him up not too long ago." She told me. Makes sense, they do share a room after all. "I guess he fell back asleep."

"Mind if I go wake him up?"

"Not at all." She laughed. "Make it miserable for him."

"Will do!" I replied with an evil smirk.

I headed over to Mark's door and opened it. There he was fast asleep, peacefully. This will be so much fun. I jumped on him and shook him like a maniac. He soon came to consciousness and pushed me right off of him. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Y/N? Why are you waking me up damn so early?" He groaned sitting up to turn on his lamp. The light flicked on to reveal his bright red hair. He pushed it to the side and grabbed his glasses off the nightstand.

"Uh, did you lose your memory when you fell asleep? Plus! You're always the one up at the crack of dawn before any of us!"

"So?" He scolded me. "Your point is?"

"Mark!" I whined. "I couldn't wait! Today is the day we fly to Boston! Pax East!"

"You seem excited." He scoffed trying to lay back down. That's not going to happen on my watch!

"When am I not?" I grabbed his arm and pulled him. "Now get your lazy ass out of bed!"

- At the Airport -

Mark, Amy, and I sat down at a table with our usual Chipotle and coffee. Amy and I have been wide awake all morning, with the exception of Mark. This year, the three of us decided to take a flight in the late morning into early afternoon to take up what would be a free day before Pax. So tomorrow would be the actual convention.

"Slow down, Y/N! We still have an hour and a half! If you inhale your food you'll get a stomachache and then complain the whole ride there! Plus, you'll be miserable!" Amy told me. I took a slow motion bite to tease her.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so excited to see everyone again. You get it." I laughed.

"We know! You and Seán have a really great bond. Same with you and Tyler." Mark said. "I bet you're just as excited to see them again."

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