Wait For Me

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- Ethan's P.O.V -

She held onto the leash with Chica attached into the other end. Y/N and I walked on the sidewalk along the road. We took our time enjoying the sunny day and bright fall colors.

"Did you have fun?" Y/N asked me referring to the challenge video.

"Of course I did! My stomach is still cramping from laughing so hard!" I told her.

"Chica was the real star." She said leaning over to pet her.

"Yes, she was!" I smiled. "Hey, do you want me to take over?"

Y/N looked up and me with her usual bright face. She handed me Chica's leash. She walked a little closer to me.

"Are you okay with me going live on Instagram?" She asked me.

"Go ahead!" I encouraged her. She pulled out her phone and opened the app. Y/N held up her phone showing the both of us and waiting a bit for more people to join.

"Hey y'all! I hope you all are having a good day!" She said waving to the camera and then facing it towards me. I smiled wide and waved back.

"Ethan and I are taking Chica on a walk because Mark's lazy ass didn't want to do it himself. So far, it's going really good. I have a great sort of co-parent!" She joked.

"Even though Chica isn't ours." I said.

"Would you ever get a dog once you're financially ready for it, Ethan?"

"Oh, most definitely!" I replied.

"The fans are asking questions, do you wanna do something like a Q&A?" She asked. Wouldn't hurt.


"Um, someone asked 'what is it like living in LA,' Ethan?"

"It's really nice. Hanging out with the group almost everyday is the highlight. Especially, this dork." I pointed to her. Her jaw hung open in offense.

"Wow! I see how it is!" She huffed. "'How did Y/N and Ethan meet?' That's a good one!"

"She's a major klutz." I joked. Y/N shoved me teasingly.

"Back in 2014, Ethan happened to be in the same hotel as Mark and I. When I was going down to the lobby to meet Mark, I completely crashed into Ethan. If he hadn't caught me then I'd be ground meat."

"Again. She's a klutz!" I said loud enough so that the phone could pick it up.

The two of us turned into a park that happened to pop up on the side. We followed the path till we reached a bench to chill on. I took Chica and wandered a little away from Y/N. Anytime I looked over, I saw her face grow brighter the more she talked to her fans. She looks so happy. It suits her.

Chica picked up on my motives and also directed her attention to Y/N. She wanted to see her too. I walked Chica and myself back over to her.

"How many people are on there?" I asked handing her Chica's leash.

"About 3.5k." She answered. "Why?"

Her camera was facing a bit upwards at the sky but just at the right angle that you could see her face. I leaned in and kissed her while grabbing her phone out of her limp hands. The camera caught the whole thing just like I intended it to.

I brought the phone up to my face and smirked her way. Y/N was frozen in place with her cheeks the brightest of pink. I looked back at the chat to see everyone going wild.

"Alright guys, the group ordered pizza and it's probably about to arrive-."

I was cut off by the softest of lips pressed against my right cheek. Not to mention Chica's paws pressed against my legs. I got ahold of myself and said goodbye to the live. I handed Y/N her phone back.

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