Time Passed Away

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- May 23rd, 2018 - 2 Years Later -

- 3 Days Until the Wedding -

- Y/N's P.O.V -

The story only continues...

Days went by...

Months even...

And then two years...

In late 2016, my best friend had finally moved to Los Angeles. Ethan Nestor. The chemistry we had produced before his official move only fueled the time to come. Everyone always wondered if we'd ever get together.

I will admit, after a few months since he told me he wasn't ready, my feelings for him had became the strongest they'd ever been. It was hard to be friends with someone you had practically fallen in love with.

At times he would treat me like his girlfriend, other times he would friend zone me hard. I've been going through this heartbreaking torment for two years now.

As much as I respected his decision back then to take his time, a part of me is greedy to have him as mine. I'm afraid to lose him to anyone else. To this day, we remain friends.

Two years ago at the Pax East convention, Wade, one of my friends who is practically family, proposed to his girlfriend to marry him. In three days, the whole friend group and more will be coming down to witness the reception. In three days, Wade and Molly will be getting married.

Most people in our friend group went their own ways. Ethan stopped working for Mark and became full time on his own channel while still collaborating with him. Mark and Amy have been going steady just like usual. Chica is doing well too. Tyler has been on his own lately. Seán is still in the UK. My channel is growing just as good as it was back in the days.

If I'll be honest with myself, my life is going alright. Not at its worst and pretty good where it is. I've spent a lot more time on myself and developing my own person. It's been really self purifying just to worry about me.

I sat up from my bed after staring at the ceiling for about 20 minutes. I picked up my phone from my nightstand and looked through Uber Eats. I ordered my usual drink from Starbucks and made sure it would be delivered.

I stood up and headed over to my dresser to pick out an outfit for today. I pulled a pair of dark blue, denim, ripped jeans and a light grey t-shirt. I added a black belt for extra style. As I was brushing my hair, my phone began to ring. I looked down at it to read the name of the contact. "Ethan💙"... Wonder what he wants..

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey! You busy today?" He responded.

"No, not really. What's up?" I asked.

"How about you and I grab lunch somewhere? Nothing fancy, just a casual lunch meet up."

"Sure! Why not?" I began. "What do you have in mind?"

"Does Olive Garden sounds good to you?"

"Sounds great!" I exclaimed.

"Perfect! I'll pick you up at 12:30! Okay?" Ethan double checked.

"Works with me! I'll see you then!"

"See you!" Ethan said before he hung up.

I stuffed my phone in my pocket and left the room, shutting the door behind me. I walked down the hallway and into the living room. Chica was laying on one side of the couch.

"Hey, Chica girl." I said sitting next to her while reaching over to pet her back. Her head turned to face my way as she panted with a smile.

"Hey! You're up!" Mark said as he entered the room while head into the the kitchen.

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