All an Act

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-TW // Self Harm Talk-

- Day 2: Pax East 2016 -

- Y/N's P.O.V -

Mark began his regular welcoming speech to the fans in the audience. He explained the game that we were going to play first. The fans cheered with excitement.

"Our first pair will be Seán and Ethan!" Mark announced. The two of them stepped forward while the rest of us sat back and watched.

"You two are workers at a mineshaft and find a unknown chest." Wade said.

"Agh! My arms are beginning to hurt! It's been three hours, dad, why can't we leave the mines?" Ethan complained while pretending to break a rock.

"We're so close to finding the treasure! Just a few more hacks!" Seán told him. He kept miming and then pulled out a slip.

"What's up my cranky crew?" He read aloud. I could see Ethan laughing to himself. Mark and I were losing it.

"What's up my cranky crew..." I said to myself as I gasped for air. The mic picked it up so everyone heard it.

Scenes continued and the audience loved it. We moved on to a game called "Change". Two people start a scene and someone will call "change!" This means that they have to modify what they were saying and doing.

Wade was the designated changer. Bob and Mark did their scene first. Then it was Tyler and Seán. That left Ethan and I to be the last scene before the event ended. Him and I got into place waiting for instructions.

"One of you is a store employee and the other is a customer trying to steal." Wade said. I immediately started pretending as if I was scanning shelves. Ethan came behind me and tapped my shoulder.

"Can I help you, ma'am?" He asked.

"Nah, I'm just looking." I told him. He nodded and turned away. I looked around and grabbed an invisible object and stuffed it in my shirt. I tried to walk away before my hand was grabbed.

"What do you have in your shirt?" He asked me.


"What do you have in your hair." Ethan said reaching towards my head.

"Don't touch me!" I swatted his hand away.


"What's it to you?"


"Just some spiders!" I blurted out. A few giggles came from the audience.

"Ma'am, I just want to help you!" Ethan began.


"Did you take the beans?"

"Beans? What beans?" I asked.

"The ones in your shirt!"


"The ones you used for boob implants!" Ethan said. I could hear Bob's hysterical laughter behind me.

I gasped and held my chest. "MY BOOBS ARE ALL NATURAL!" I acted offended.

"No, they're not!"


"Oh..." Ethan's eyes wandered my chest. "They look real to me!"


"Well uh... I need to touch them to make sure you aren't hiding those beans!"

"Are you crazy?" I yelled.


"Well... I mean."

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