False Protection

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-TW// Self Harm!!!-

Ethan took me into his room while I shut the door behind me. He sat in the middle of his bed and patted a spot next to him. I took that spot.

"So..." I said softly.

Ethan sighed and leaned over to kiss my forehead. He then scooted a little more closer to me.

"I'm sorry. I feel like I say that way too much between us. I should've told you about my friendship with Mika still going on. I shouldn't have lead you on this long. I-."

"I don't care about the should've's, Ethan. There's nothing you can do about those. I want to know what is going to happen once we walk out of that door. What will we be? How are we going to treat each other." I went straight to the point.

"I don't want to lose you, Y/N. I can't do it again. It's only been a few days and I couldn't live with myself. I told you I want to make this work."

"And how long are you going to make me wait this time? God. I hate saying that and being what people call 'desperate' but I've went through hell just to keep my sanity for the past two years, only to feel cheated out. I'm sorry but it's more heart wrenching than you even begin to know. I can't keep going on like this, my mental health is declining, I-I..."

I sighed and pulled up my sleeves revealing old and fresh new scars from a few days ago. I feel ashamed...

Ethan's face sunk more. He hugged me tightly while rocking me back and forth. I only sighed in disappointment.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I never meant to hurt you. I hurt myself in the process." He let go and held my cheek. "Does Mark know?"

I shook my head no. Ethan thought to himself for a second.

"I'll be right back." He said before he got up and left the room.

About a minute passed before he came back inside. In his hands were some little packets and a bandage roll. He sat on the bed and ripped open a packet. Inside was a alcohol wipe.

"I'm gonna take care of you, okay? We're gonna tell each other everything. I don't want to lose my best friend and possibly the love of my life." He said getting ready to wipe my arm.

"Okay... I trust you."

"Good, now this might sting a little." He gently rubbed the cloth along my forearm while I winced in pain. He was done quickly and then wrapped the bandage around.

"There. All done." He finished.

"Thank you, Ethan." I said finally making eye contact.

"No problem. Are we cool?" He asked.

"Like ice." I joked. He chuckled.

"Does this mean I can get a kiss?" Ethan batted his eyes.

"Mmm fine." I said.

Ethan leaned in and kissed me. Having him in this moment was the most relieving feeling ever. Some part of me still felt pain and fear that this will happen again. But him doing everything he can to fix this shows he just might care about me. I have to keep pushing. For him, Mark, Amy, Seán, Tyler, and now Mika.

- At Mark's House -

Ethan pulled in front of Mark's place to drop me off. I forgot that I never told any of them where I was. I'm gonna get my ass beat. Ethan stopped his car and looked over at me.

"Thank you." He said.

"For what?"

"Giving me a chance. I know what I did could have been worse but I'm glad that you still wanted to fix this. I love you, Y/N." He rested his hand on my thigh. I felt butterflies fill my body. How am I so in love with him?

"I love you too." I said with a small smile.

Instantly, Ethan's face grew into the cheesiest grin ever. His eyes sparked with joy. He quickly leaned over and kissed me. It took me by surprise.

"Can I call you tonight?"

"Sure, I'd like that." I replied.

"Great. I'll talk to you then! Go spend some time with Mark and Amy. Also, give Chica some kisses for me."

"Will do!" I waved goodbye and exited the car. Ethan sat there and waited until I was inside.

I shut the door behind me only to see Mark and Amy sitting together on the couch. They looked to be a bit worried.

"Where were you?!" Mark stood up grabbing my arms tightly.

"I-I was invited out for coffee." I told him. He was angry. He hasn't gotten like this towards me since Adrian.

"With who?" He asked.


"Mika?" Amy chimed. "Ethan's ex-girlfriend?"

"Yes. She took me out for coffee and cleared thing up about the situation a few days ago. Then she took me to make things up with Ethan."

"WHAT?!" Mark exclaimed. He let go of me and walked away a bit. His hand on his forehead as he sighed deeply.

"I told Ethan to never associate with you in any way. That includes Mika."

"And keep me away from two people who care about me and are my closest friends? Yes, I know Ethan wasn't in the right. I wasn't either. I should've given them both a chance to explain. It was never what we interpreted it to be. You can't control my life forever!"

"I'm not controlling your life! I'm protecting you! Andy told me to make sure you were okay when away from home! Its what he would've wanted!!" Mark yelled. I froze.

"What he would've wanted?" My stomach dropped. "What do you mean by that?"

Mark only remained silent. He stared walking towards the hallway. I ran after him and turned him my way.


"... your brother passed away the same day the Ethan situation happened..."


"N-No... there's no possible way.." I said turning away breathing heavily.

"He died in a car crash."

"AND YOU DIDN'T FUCKING TELL ME? MY OWN BROTHER? YOUR BEST FRIEND!" I lashed out. Amy held me from behind.

"I didn't know how to. You were already going through so much." Mark lamented.

"Is there even going to be a funeral...?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"Yes. It's this weekend. I already booked a flight for the three of us." He told me.

"AND WHEN WERE YOU EVER GOING TO TELL ME THIS?" I yelled back. Mark stopped realizing he had no clue. I remained there with watering eyes and a dropped jaw. Heartbroken by the betrayal of those I love in the recent days.

Amy finally let go as I collapsed to the ground. On my knees, I sat there unable to continue crying. I can't believe this...

No amount of talking from Amy or Mark could've made me get up from the floor. I was in shock. Not even Chica's lick attacks worked.

Mark finally gave in and called Ethan over. About 20 minutes or so passed until Ethan had arrived. He rushed in and sat in front of me. I stared at the floor while my face went numb.

"Y/N? Hey..." his voice was soft and comforting. "I'm here now... I've got you."

I looked up into his gentle eyes. His face showed remorse and concern. He held his arms out to me. I never realized how much I needed him.

I inched close to him and laid in his arms. His arms held me tightly while his fingers caressed my hair.

"There.. you're safe." Ethan then kissed my head while his grip never loosened.

Everything that's been happening the past few days have been close to a nightmare. One that you feel you'll never wake up from. I just want to be happy...

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