I Wont Mind

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(swipe to listen to song mentioned)

- 5 Days Until Ethan's Arrival -

I laid on my bed already dressed and ready for the day. Although, I didn't have the motivation to get up. Everything has been so dull since Pax. Nothing has been as extravagant as that experience. Mark has been doing his regular streams and daily uploads. Amy has been taking care of the house and running errands. I, on the other hand, have done nothing but lie around.

A heavy knock came from the outside of my door. I sat up and swung my legs off the bed. While standing up I shoved my phone into the pocket of my leggings.

"Hello?" I asked with a cautious tone.

"It's Mark!" He said. "Can you come to my studio? I need your help!"

"Yeah! Coming!" I replied in a rushed tone. Crap, I actually have to do something.

I opened my door and followed Mark down the hallway. Through the door was a small white room. Black foam sound barriers along a part of the wall. A desk sat in front of it. On it was two monitors, a keyboard, mouse, and a microphone.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"So, I'm going to do a charity stream soon and I had this great idea to perform for the fans on live to raise money. I know how to play a guitar. All I need is a singer. I know you sang when you were in high school."

"I was a theater kid. Acting, dancing, and singing was a huge part of it. You want me to sing?" I asked completely shocked.

"Yes! I'll even let you choose the song you want to sing that will be the most comfortable in your voice. Just send me the chords." Mark smiled. I can't leave him hanging.

"Fine. Just let me warm up and get ready for it. I'll see what I can find." I said leaving the room. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I was scrolling through my phone to see what songs were popular this year. I want to go with a sentimental approach.

Soon enough, I found a song on my playlist that came out back in 2015. It was Zayn Malik's first single that was supposed to be a One Direction song. "I Won't Mind." That's the one.

I had it practically memorized just because I've known it for so long. I pulled up the chords and sent them to Mark so he could get them down. I hummed to myself along with the song so I got the melody right.

After about 10 minutes, I met Mark back in his studio. He pulled up another chair for me. He had a big wooden acoustic guitar in his hands. He sat down and turned the stream on. We waited until more people joined.

"Alright, I think we have enough people!" Mark began. "Hello everybody, today I am here with Y/N who is going to help us with this stream. Today I have decided to donate all the money we raise to The Suicide Awareness Program."

"This is a very serious thing. If you ever feel you need someone to talk to, the number for the hotline will be in the description." He looked over at me. "Could you tell them what we're doing?"

"Yes." I answered. "Today, I have the honor of performing with Mark. As you all know, he is a pretty good guitarist. I used to sing back in the good old days. Mark has asked me to sing a song for you guys while he plays it. A cover basically. The song of my choice is 'I Won't Mind.' by Zayn Malik."

"I relate to this song in a personal way. I thought it was a great choice because in the way I see it, heartbroken people deal with overwhelming sadness that can turn into bad things. I can vouch for that. So here is the song." I sighed and nodded to Mark.

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