Figure Out the Feels

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I was woken up to the shaking of my body. My eyes fluttered open to see a familiar stone cold face and curly brown hair. The boy wore a gray beanie and navy blue shirt.

"Y/N! Wake up! You've slept in too late!" The boy said. I groaned and sat up rubbing my eyes. Once they focused, I gasped and hugged the guy.

"TYLER!" I squeezed him tightly. He rubbed my back gently while holding me close.

"Did Mark send you in to wake me?" I asked.

"Yeah." He picked up my phone and handed it to me. "I guess your boyfriend wanted to call you once he landed but someone was asleep."

I checked my notifications to see three missed calls from Ethan. I looked up at Tyler with my jaw hung open. My boyfriend?

"He's not my boyfriend, Ty."

"Keep telling yourself that." Tyler backed away and let me have some space.

"Ethan is here in LA now and is probably on his way to his place. Mark and I will go and get him in two hours. Until then, you can giggle to yourself about the boy and clean yourself up before the others get here."

Tyler stood there with a stern face that slowly faded into a smile. He laughed to himself and left the room. I was sorta in shock by his response but then shrugged it off.

Look nice? Yeah right! I always do! Do I? Oh god... What if my hair dye didn't set in right? I need to check!

I hurried off of the edge of my bed and to the bathroom outside my room. I looked into the mirror at myself. The black hair really brought out my facial features better than my original hair color did. I left the bathroom and went back into my room.

I took to my dresser and picked out a few sets of clothes to choose from. I finally settled with a navy blue, crew neck sweatshirt and ripped denim jeans. I laced a black belt through the hoops of my pants and tucked the front of the shirt into them.

I grabbed a necklace with just a little metal circle attached and laced it across my neck. I sighed deeply and stared at myself in the mirror.

A sudden heavy knock was heard coming from my bedroom door. I flinched sharply and looked over. With a long hesitation, I allowed them to come inside.

"Y/N? Hey." It was Amy. She wore a white sweater and black jeans. Her blonde hair parted on the side. She walked over to me with a concerned look on her face.

"Amy. Hey." I replied with a fake plastered smile.

"What's up? You seem off." Any grabbed my hands and lead me over to my bed. Her and I sat on the edge. I felt myself slowly break.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, Amy. I-I feel like somehow Ethan won't like the way I am. He only has been around me for a short while. What if he doesn't like me when he's here forever? I don't know why I care so much. I'm so confused! I-."

"Woah." Amy said holding my hands tightly. I felt some sort of security when she did.

"Slow down. You're not overreacting, love. You have every right to feel this way. I'm guess your thing is gonna start too."

"My.... thing?" I tilted my head.

"Girl stuff." She winked.

"Ohhh right." I realized what she meant. "But it's not that. This is genuine."

"Let me propose something. You don't have to agree, you don't have to believe me either. I just want to give you what I think you're experiencing. It's the least I can do." Amy's eyes somehow became harder and stern.

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