Ethan's Arrival

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(song to help set the mood)

- Y/N's P.O.V -

The living room was set up with several blue balloons, snack bowls, and a drink station at the island counter. Bob, Wade, Mandy, Kathryn, and Molly all had arrived over an hour ago to help us set up and be here for when Ethan arrives. They came just a little bit before Mark and Tyler left so they were able to see each other before departing.

As for Amy, Kathryn, and I, the dynamic girl trio of the friend group, we ran this show. Actually, Amy did alongside calming me down from my occasional jitters. I am so nervous.

I was standing alone watching Molly and Wade talk to each other. I had completely forgotten that he has proposed to her and that they would soon be getting married. I felt another rush of adrenaline hit me. I tried to shake it out but jumped like a wildcat when I felt someone touch my shoulder.

I practically jumped out of genuine fear. Amy's shocked face soon formed into laughter. She handed me a cup of blue punch.

"Chill out, Y/N. Everything will go smoothly. Just enjoy everyone's company!" Amy said trying to reassure my doubts.

I sighed and took a few deep breaths. I took a sip of the punch she brought me and tried to relax. I smiled her way so she wouldn't have to worry.

"See? You look your best with a smile. I'm sure Ethan loves it." She teased me with a sly wink.

"AMY!" I exclaimed feeling a bit flustered. She began to walk away while laughing to herself. She headed towards Kathryn who was in the kitchen.

"Have fun!" She said.

"Wait! Amy! Ugh!" I sighed.

- 15 Minutes Later-

"They're coming up the driveway!" Bob shouted.

Shit! I'm not ready!

Everyone scrambled and came closer to the front door. Amy stood next to me and grabbed my hand. She smiled my way to reassure me. Amy always had a good way of doing that. Bob and Wade has their phones out to record Ethan walking in.

The door swung open. Standing in the white doorframe was the boy we all have been waiting for. One week of boredom and anticipation. He had finally arrived. The way his face lit up to the rest of us welcoming him home. His smile grew wide and his eyes showed so much passion and excitement.

The room filled with endless chatter of the same welcoming phrase. Ethan was bombarded with hugs and greetings. Mark came over to me and stood by my side. He could see I was waiting patiently for my turn to see Ethan.

His attention soon directed towards me. Somehow, the world seemed to just freeze in place. As if it was was just me and him. We made intense eye contact. He was here.

We snapped back into reality and ran into each other, bodies impacted, pulling the other into the tightest hug we've had so far. His head buried into the bones of my shoulder. His hands gripping the back of my shirt. For a split second, I thought I heard him sniffle.

He let me go and smiled wide. His eyes looked to be watering. I ruffled my hand through his hair.

"Welcome to LA, nerd." I said.

"Missed you too, dork." He joked.

- Later That Night -

Ethan and I stood on the balcony against the railing with a cup of punch in our hands. We decided to escape the others since they were drinking again. Don't want to have what happened last time.

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