Friends No Matter the Distance

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- 3 Days Until Ethan's Arrival -

Three days could have not been a longer time to wait. Time moved so slow and the days prolonged excessively. I've never been so eager to see someone. I guess reuniting made me realize how much I valued our friendship. For the past few days, we have been calling each other for at least an hour each day. Not to mention texting each other a lot as well.

I lied on my bed with a deep sigh. Staring at my ceiling until the white nothingness drifted me into the deepest of thoughts. I couldn't help but let it happen. I had nothing better to do with my time slowly wasting away.

I couldn't get Ethan out of my head. The improv scenes, the party, our goodbyes. Something just doesn't seem right. It's as if there's an unknown click between us. The click that allowed us to get so close so quickly.

What am I thinking? I'm just overestimating and assuming things that aren't even there.

I need to do something. I can't just sit here and let myself go like that. What can I do though?

My hair has been a piece of shit lately. The color from previous dyes were fading. I should dye my hair! What color though?

I looked over at my night stand. The black finish was smooth and fine. I tried to imagine black on my hair. It wouldn't look to bad! I could just do it myself.

I sat up quickly and got out of bed. I stripped and changed into old clothes. I'm just going to grab dye at the store and do it in the bathroom. Hopefully Amy won't kill me.

Once I finished changing, I grabbed my lanyard with all of my keys on it and left my room. As I was beginning of rush out the door, Mark stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He asked me.

"I'm bored and dying my hair. Don't question it." I said.

"Gotcha. Be safe!" Mark smiled and gave me a hug. "If you need help with the dying process, come and find me."

"Noted!" I opened the door and left the house.

- Later That Day -

I burst into my house with a plastic bag in my hand, Mark, Amy, and I's lunch, and my coffee in my arms. Amy hurried over to me to help me carry things in. She took the bagged food and set it on the marble island counter.

"I would eat first before the process, Y/N." Amy suggested. "Food will be cold by then."

"I agree." I smiled and set my bag on the couch. Mark walked in on his phone as if he was calling someone. I sat down on a high stool as Amy was sorting the food.

"Y/N!" Mark exclaimed. "You're home! Come here!"

I slowly walked over to Mark. He held his phone up with a smile. I got into the view to see what was on his phone.

"Mark..." I covered my mouth and leaned my head on his shoulder. The camera picked up my face.

"You're not going to say 'Hi' to me, Y/N?" Ethan's voice asked teasingly.

"I hate you both." I joked. "Hi Ethan."

His smile only grew more seeing my face. Him and I haven't FaceTimed this whole parting. His blue hair still brought out his eyes as normal. His voice still soothes the raging roars inside me.

"Hey Y/N. I heard you're gonna dye your hair later today! You don't mind me calling you during that? Like how Mark and I are now. I wanna see it and be there for you as best as possible!" Ethan fixed his hair.

"Yeah! I wouldn't mind that!" I replied.

"Perfect! I'll leave you all be. My parents need me! Bye!" Ethan waved and hung up. The three of us finally began to eat and talk to each other about Ethan's arrival.

"What were you two talking about to need to call?" I asked Mark, being a little too nosey.

"I asked for his new address for when he'll move here in a few days. Also updated him on some stuff for my channel. Just some important technical stuff, that's all." Mark answered.

"We plan on having a get-together for him the day he gets here. Like a sort of 'Welcome to L.A!' kind of fling! Bob, Wade, Mandy, Molly, Tyler, and Kathryn will all be there. You remember Kathryn, right? She's another one of my editors. She's relieved to have someone else helping her." Mark told me. I was shocked.

"Everyone will be here?!"

"Yep! Just not Seán. He's in the UK." My heart dropped a bit. I should've expected it.

"I'm excited to have everyone over!" Amy exclaimed. "It'll be nice to have everyone here together."

"Agreed." I said. I need to not be bummed about this. I'll get to see Ethan and Tyler! Plus uncle Wade and Bob. They're always the weird uncles you'll see at a party.

"I'm glad. It'll be just a few more days now until-."

"3 days." I cut Mark off. He gave me a small smirk.

"What? I know how many days are in a week." I protested.

"Mhm." He threw a wink my ways. I rolled my eyes and threw my trash away. I grabbed the bag of dye and headed for the bathroom.

"Please don't stain the walls!" Amy begged. I know how much she values the house looking nice.

"I won't!" I promised her.

I shut the door behind me and sighed. I pulled out my phone and went to Ethan's contact number. Here goes nothing. Hopefully I'm not bothering him. The phone rang for a few seconds until the blue boy answered. His face wore a smile better than anyone else.

"Finally! You called!" He said frantically. I giggled propping my phone up against the wall and sink.

"I'm kinda worried, Ethan." I said pulling out the box from the bag. "What if it looks bad?"

"Nothing looks bad on you, Y/N." Ethan said with a cheeky smile. That boy... I swear.


I put on the gloves and grabbed the brush. While pouring the dye into the bowl, Ethan and I engaged in a conversation.

"So, Mark did that to make me less stressed about the work. He also wants me to be in some of his videos."

"And if you don't mind being in some of mine, then you're welcome to be." I told him as I painted the dye along a strip of hair.

"Really? That would be awesome!" Ethan said.

"Of course!" I chuckled.

"How's the process going?" He asked.

"Pretty good. Just finished applying the dye. Now I just wait here for a few minutes, wash it out, and then dry it." I told him.

"Well, I think it will look good on you. I know I already said that but reassurance is helpful." He smiled at me. I focused my attention to my phone.

It was really sweet of him to call me like this. Even if we can't see each other just yet. Him being back in my life for good will be a great help on my happiness. Might just fix my mental health a little bit. Ethan is a great friend. I honestly don't deserve his kindness. I can't wait until you come home....

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