Movie Date

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- Later That Night -

Ethan slowly pulled up to my house. The lights were on. Amy and Mark had beaten us home. Makes sense since Ethan had to drop something off at his place. I actually got to go inside and it looked really nice!

He finally stopped the car and looked over at me while I was unbuckling and grabbing my little handbag. I looked up at him only to see his lips curve into a cheeky smile.

"Thanks for today." He said.

"Thank you. You were the one that asked me." I replied.

"Well. I had fun."

"Me too."

"Are we still going to do our night time calls like we usually do?" He asked.

"Even after seeing me all day?" I joked.

"You know how much I need those calls!"

"Why? So you can go bed-bed night-night?" I mocked him in a baby tone.

Ethan gently grabbed my face and brought it close to his. A smirk plastered on his face that only made my breath shorten more.

"I need something cute to put me to sleep, silly." He said in a smoothe and sly way.

"You're cute when you're flustered." He said before kissing me fully, which only took my breath away more. But I loved it.

We broke away and I left the car. I walked around the front and began along the sidewalk. As I turned to wave goodbye to Ethan, he had his window down.

"Movie Date! You. Me. My place. Be ready by 6:30. I got food and I'm picking you up!" He yelled from his car.

"Gotcha!" I yelled back.

"Bye, Cutie!" He said as he began driving away.

"Goodbye, Butthead!" I yelled back.

My cheekbones ached from smiling so much. I watched as Ethan's car faded in the distance before turning to go inside. I grabbed my key and let myself in while locking the door behind me. I see Mark sitting on the couch by himself watching tv.

"It's past your curfew..." He began.

"Since when have I had a curfew, DAD!" I joked.

"Ever since you and your new boyfriend have been getting closer recently."

"B-Boyfriend?!" I stuttered. "He's not my boyfriend.

"Not yet." Mark muttered.

"Do you want your second tickle attack of the day?" I asked.

"No." He chuckled. "So I heard you have a date for tomorrow. A movie date?"

"Yeah. Ethan's got dinner so you guys don't need to worry about me." I told him.

"How late will you be out?"

"I'm not sure." I replied.

"Well. Don't be too late." He said.

"I won't father." I rolled my eyes and made my way to my room.

"Hey!" He called out to me. I stopped and looked back at him. He walked over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Just be careful. I am happy that you're happy though." He whispered to me.

"Thank you, Mark." I smiled to myself. "I appreciate it." He let go of me and threw a warm smile my way. I waved goodnight and headed to my room.

- Later the Next Day -

- At Ethan's House -

Ethan let me through his front door and into the foyer. I stopped to gaze around and admire the house a bit. It wasn't bad for a townhouse. He had already decorated to his best ability. A few boxes sat in the corner waiting to be unpacked. Right then, arms wrapped around my lower abdomen and lifted me into the air.

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