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- A Few Days Later -

I sat out in the living room scrolling through my phone. Mark was in his studio recording a video while screaming at the top of his lungs. The usual. Amy went and took Chica for a vet appointment. It was just me.

Ethan still hasn't reached out to me. I wouldn't have either. After Mark's rant and how mad he was... I'd be scared too.

Knocks coming from the door woke me up from my thoughts. I sat up quickly and answered.

"Hello, how can I help-." I paused. Mika stood in front of me. She pushed her sunglasses up to the top of her head and stuck her hands in the back pockets of her gray ripped jeans.

"M-Mika.. what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to talk to you." She said.

"Oh.. right."

"Can I take you out for some coffee?"

Those words rattled through my ears almost at the same pace as my heart beats. Me? Having coffee with her? Is she going to slip some poison in there too?

Ah... what am I thinking? If she wanted me dead, she would've done it already. I don't want to be rude and turn her down.

"Yeah, s-sure!" I replied.

"Great." She said with a smile. "There's a place five minutes from here, are you okay with walking?"

"It's not a problem. Let me get my wallet." I said rushing to my room to go get it.

- At The Coffee Shop -

Once Mika and received our coffee, she took me outside to one of the smaller tables with two chairs. She sat down first and tried to be welcoming. I think she could tell I was a bit awkward.

"I know you know that I didn't just ask you to have coffee with me just to do it." She finally said.

"Yeah. Well, what's the reason?"

"To clear some air. After the events that happened a few days ago, I know you need answers and the truth." She responded.

"Okay." I relaxed my body and got comfortable in my chair. "Go ahead."

"Ethan and I are not a thing. I know you are worried about that but I promise you I have no romantic feelings toward him. He's there for me as sort of family as I am to him." Mika told me.

"He has talked about you. Well, about a girl that he really wanted to take his chances with but was afraid. I knew there was always that girl in his life but I didn't know it was you. Seeing you on Saturday... it caught me off guard. After everything on social media... I-."

"I was the reason you two broke up." I interjected. Mika looked down at her cup and sighed.

"I know." I began. "I felt guilty about it too. I still do. But just as you guys are now, I was and will never be anything to him but a great friend. It was an acting scene; that photo that the fans took was from Pax."

"And the closet photo?" She asked.

"Closet photo?"

"Seán put up a photo of you two sleeping on each other's shoulders in a closet the same weekend." She told me.

"I never knew about that."

"It was... pretty cute, I'll admit." She joked. I smiled and took a sip of my drink before Mika began to talk again.

"Ethan... he's really upset."

There it is.. I knew it. I kinda figured so.

"You had every right to act out the way you did. I would've too; and I have. He felt even worse when it began to pour. We knew you were still out there. I offered to go pick you up and take you home but he thought you would reject the idea and be even more upset." Mika lamented

"Mark picked me up at the plaza about 20 minutes away." I added.

"You seem really tough, girl." She complimented me.

"Well, I kinda have to be. I mean I've been through so much." My voice only became deeper and softer.

"Hey. Let it out. Better out than in. I know what you're thinking but... you can trust me." She held my arm reassuring me.

"My brother was always the star of my family to the point it built my high school reputation to be some kid genius. And when I didn't live up to those standards that his teachers and students set, I was a disappointment. My boyfriend four years ago broke up with me only to find out that he used me for my fame because I lived with Mark. And Ethan... I've been waiting patiently to get some kind of answer from him whether he'll attempt to try and be with me or now for two years! I'm exhausted and I feel like I'm never good enough for anyone. And after Saturday... I've been building it up to the point I'm so close to breaking..." Tears welled up in my eyes. I tried so hard to keep them pushed back because we're in public.

"Mika... I just want to be happy..." I broke. A few tears streamed down my cheeks as I looked up to her and made contact.

"Y/N..." She grabbed the nearest napkin and dabbed my cheeks to dry the tears. "We are going to fix this. I promise you that. I'm sorry that my first impression wasn't the best but we both are different. Sometimes you need a girlfriend who is going to pick the other up when they're low. Do you have anyone like that?"

"Only Amy, but she has her other friends. I never really found companionship in some of the female friends and mutuals that the guys hang around."

"Me too. I have a small circle. Well, girls who aren't exactly friends with each other but will be allies." Mika smiled all of a sudden. "Can we start over? I don't want to fight with a really cool chick over a guy."

"I'd like that." I replied trying to brighten up. "Tell me about yourself then!"

"Really? Okay well..."

- At Ethan's House -

Mika lead me up the pathway to the door of Ethan's house. My mind was racing 2000 different directions. I don't know how Mika talked me into this.

She knocked on the door and we waited for a bit. The seconds felt like minutes. Soon the door opened and no one other than Ethan stood on the opposite side.

His eyes glistened with tears as he looked at me, at Mika, then back at me. He hugged me tightly right on the spot. I didn't move. My hands were still pinned to my side out of fear. I could hear small sniffles that made my heart ache from guilt. He pulled away and invited us in.

"I'll crash on the couch. You two go talk upstairs." Mika instructed and she leaned back along the couch.

"What about you and her?" Ethan asked.

"We already made up." She began. "She's a really good girl that deserves the world. I'm not worried about her and I. You two need to figure your shit out. I don't like it when my best friends are fighting." Mika looked over at me and winked.

Ethan glanced over asking for approval. I sighed and let him take my hand. He held it tight in his as he guided me upstairs.

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