Airport Adventures

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- At the Airport -

Mark and I arrived at the airport after a long, agonizing, hour and 20 minute drive. We stepped out of the car and took a 5 minute stretching session. Even though Mark was in the front- and I had the back all to myself, my body ached like the mother lord had shot down a rain of little prickly needles onto my poor little spine. Just my luck!

"Agh!" Mark groaned as he switched from a lunge to sets of squats. I began laughing like crazy. What and why? How did I manage to befriend someone like him?

"Mark! You dumbass!" I told him barely containing myself.

"What?" He began. "I need to be extra thick for my fans. They expect no less from me!"

"I'm sure that's true but, is this what you do for every convention?" I asked with a small chuckle as I reached my arms up to the sky. I stretched out my back and felt a nice sensation spread through. That feels great!

"More or less." He said getting a hold of himself and grabbing his suitcase. I finished stretching with a roll of my eyes and picked mine up as well.

We took our time going through security and checking in due to the crazy amount of people at the airport. One wrong turn and I could lose Mark completely. Plus, we were extra strategic about everything from our information to what we packed being in the right place. About 30 minutes later, we finally arrived at the food court, gates, and gift shops. There at least was enough room that people could spread out and not be crowded or on top of one another. But that didn't decrease the numbers of people still within the building. I'm pretty glad that we got out of the high traffic areas, it was becoming too claustrophobic. 

"How much time do we have until we have to arrive at our gate?" I asked Mark. He thought for a moment, pulling out two pieces of paper that I assumed was our flight information. He read for a moment before responding. 

"About 2 hours. Do you want to go find a coffee shop and then get something to eat? I do owe you that drink after all!" He asked.

"Well, yeah, this will be our last meal of the day, remember? I mean, unless we eat once we land but technically that'll be the next day. This is a night flight after all. 4 hours long!" I sighed. "I will be crashing at the hotel once we get there."

"Hey, I can't blame you there!" He chuckled. "Well, we board at 8:00. So we'll arrive there at 12:00am technically, but it would be a bit after 3:00 there due to time zones." He added. I shuddered.

"Sounds like a living nightmare to me." I adjusted my grip on my luggage. "Let's just go get something to eat. We are gonna need it." He nodded in agreement.

Mark and I traveled side by side being sure not to lose one another. That would suck. The airport was big enough to play hide-and-seek in and not find the others for weeks. That's just Los Angeles for you. To be fair, that's just any airport to begin with.

Our suitcases rolled against the carpet floor. We passed by many chattering families and couples. I'm surprised with all of the attention we get online, we were barely recognized! After a few minutes, we finally found a Starbucks with a small line. Score!

"I'll order. Can you watch my bag?" He asked.

"Yeah! No problem." I winked. He smiled and left his suitcase next to mine.

"What would you want me to get you?"

"Could you get me Y/D/O? (your drink order)." I told him.

"Alright! Can do!" He replied. I chuckled to myself, watching him turn towards the lady at the register.

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