Home Isn't Home

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- A Few Days Later -

Ethan has been over Mark's house to help me pack almost everyday since Wednesday. He had already had purchased a ticket to be able to come along. His excuse for that was to make sure I was taken care of. Which makes sense since he hasn't really left my side since. I appreciate the concern and I don't feel I would be able to do it alone. Plus, I don't know how he feels about me being out of state without him for someone so traumatic as this. Currently, Ethan is the only one I feel close to that I can genuinely trust. After what Mark has done. I don't know what to think in all honesty. It really hurt to know he was hiding things from me, even if it was for the greater good. I wish he would've been honest, even if it hurt me in the end.

At the moment, I'm still not sure if Mark and Ethan had made up after that angry phone call. They seemed to mutually understand that I needed some space from Mark after our small fight. I think Mark realizes what he had done had made things a little worse than they already were to begin with.

I finished placing my clothes into my suitcase and sat on the edge of my bed. I stared at the carpet patterns while thoughts flooded my head like a storm drain.

How long i've gone without seeing my brother. I've gone weeks without messaging him. At times, I'd ignore his texts when I was busy. Thinking back at it, I wish I would've responded and it kept him waiting. I wish I knew what he thought of me in the present days.

I can't even imagine what he was thinking in his last moments. He didn't even get time to write a will, not that he needed it at his age. In his last moments, did he think of any way to make sure I lived happily? Did he wish he had spent more time with me in the current years? What did he think when he was hit.. why did they choose him and not someone else who isn't a saint? Why did it have to be him..?

Ethan looked over at me and sighed. He came to me and sat down by my side. It snapped me back into reality. I escaped my thoughts once again.

"I still can't process that my brother is gone. And my parents didn't text or call me either. What am I to then? Chopped liver?" I told him.

"Y/N, you aren't anything close to that. But I'll admit, it is a little strange. I know it's hard to really comprehend traumatic events such as this one. I'm here for you." Ethan smiled a bit.

I sighed deeply and rested my head on his shoulder. Ethan's arm wrapped around me and kept me close. A kiss landed on the top of my head from Ethan's lips. I smiled to myself just a bit.

"Thank you for everything, Ethan."

"No need to thank me. You spent months helping me get over Mika, it's the least I can do for you."

Suddenly, my bedroom door opened to Mark and Amy standing in the doorway. They had their luggage by their legs. Ethan stood up sharply.

"You two ready to go?" Mark asked.

"Yes. We'll meet you guys outside in a second." Ethan replied.

Mark and Amy nodded and turned away. Mark never made eye contact with me once... Soon enough, they were outside due to the opening of a door. Ethan grabbed both of our suitcases and brought them over to me.

"Are you ready?" Ethan asked me.

"I don't have a choice but to be..." I told him. "I haven't seen my family in years."

"Everything will be okay." He said brushing my hair behind my ear. "You're very much safe with me."

"...Can I get the window seat on the plane?" I asked him.

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