Never Going Back

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I walked out of the ladies room rubbing my hands since there happened to be some leftover water still on them. It was a bit of a walk to get back to the food court from where I was. For a large place such as this, you'd think they'd have more bathrooms closer to the food courts and main areas. I started the walk back to where I men's the group was until I couldn't walk any further. I had stepped into territory that was claimed. And I was sure as hell not ready for what was going to come next.

"Y/N?" A voice called out to me from behind. The world stopped. As if everything around me went black and a spotlight shone on me and me alone. No one else was around to save me. I can't act like I didn't hear the voice of my least favorite person. With a large lump of tension in my body, I turned around to see who it was. My heart sunk. No....

A blonde, tall boy stood in my presence. His blue eyes glistened and were illuminated from the sun rays of the sky light up above. My hands shook with fear. I couldn't do anything but stand helplessly staring in utter anxiousness.

Fight or flight came busting in like I was about to die to a lion. Adrian the Lion stood with a heartbroken look on his face. His mane flowed in the nonexistent wind. His chest remained puffed out as if he was protecting something he loved. I felt that lump in my throat build up more and more just seeing him again. Too soon.. Why couldn't I just have a few moments to myself for one time?!

Yet he has to stand her in front of me. I have to bask in his glory and love. If you can even call it that. Why now? Why is it whenever I'm having fun, it's wrong?

"Adrian? What are you doing here?" I asked distraught stepping back to distance myself as much as I could. I need to escape.

"I-I knew you'd be here so I decided to come and find you." He told me. I don't see anyway out of here.

"I never asked you to."

"I came here to apologize." He began. I shut up instantaneously. "I came here to ask you to be my girlfriend again." I can't run. He has me in his claws.

Heart thumping grew louder and louder. Why now? Why me? I just want to be free from his chains that restrict me! I am his prey for him to feast on! I hate this feeling!

"Are you serious?" I asked. "You break up with me because obviously it's not me, it's you. And then moments later you're crawling back? What sense does that make?" I was getting angrier by the second. Oh now he wants to be all "sorry."

"I am serious. I realized how much I needed you in my life." He grabbed my hands and held them in his.

"No." I snatched my hands from his grip. I, the lioness, but not to him, showed my claws. I stood tall, holding my ground. I won't submit to his majesty.

"W-What?" He stuttered.

"No. I'm not coming back." I held a stern expression on my face. "Back off." I have become the leader of the pack. He will fall to me instead.

"But- Y/N!"

"Adrian, please. Leave me alone!" I raised my tone a bit more. He still didn't budge. My roar wasn't enough to keep him at bay.

"Can you just hear me out?" He pleaded.

"No!" I snapped "What do you not understand about the word 'no'? I have friends and family who love me more than you ever did. I don't need you coming back in my life when it's convenient for you."

"What's going on here?" Mark's voice asked from behind me. I turned around wide eyed giving him a help-me look. Mark glanced over to the guy I was talking to and his face sunk like mine had. He immediately grew angry and defensive. Like a pack, there are many intertwined families. And once you mess with a member of that family, you get the heard.

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